Hey! Rubber-Duck! Over Here!

Back in the Hot Damn again?

Can’t be anywhere else right now.

It says here, “Others use a sharp pick or knife inserted into the bird’s mouth and then into the brain.” In this case, penis.

“I prefer to decapitate the bird with my hatchet or ax. I feel it is fast, efficient, and humane. It doesn’t look pretty and some people feel that bleeding the bird to death drains more blood from their carcass. I have never had a problem with excessive amounts of blood in the carcass and this method works well for me.”

Well, I don’t know about you all but that’s completely disgusting. From now on I’m going to kill all my ducks in this manner.

I always killed my ducks with a hatchet.

“I use an old feed bag with a hole cut in one corner to hold the duck still while I kill it. The duck’s head is poked through the hole, allowing me to gather up the bag and hold it around the feet. This prevents the animal from moving and messing up the decapitation.”

Positively appalling and cruel. Who’s with me.

Not true. It’s quick and humane. The ducks head even winked at me as it fell to the ground.

In that case, I’m ready for my duck.

Gross, Will. I bet you winked back with you middle finger.

No, I batted it away with a tennis racket.

May I borrow?

Be my guest.

That was too easy. I expected a fight and now I’m bored again. Go take a nap and check on me later.

Better yet, you stay. I’m sleepy.

Yawn* Stretch*****:hugs: I’m back. I see no one missed me. Speaking of missed…

I missed Reg earlier. I’ll get to him later.

Right now, I would just like to talk about him.

See I’ve been thinking…

Some of you just called out to God.

We all know Reg never had children because he’s selfish and incapable of sharing his toys with children.
But why couldn’t he ever keep a woman barring his present victim? He seems nice enough. Doesn’t he?
I’m thinking. It’s probably because he has a vagina on his wall. Who does that? I’ll tell you who does that. Jeffrey Epstein does that. Does anyone else reading this have a vagina on their wall? For 20 dollars you can buy yourself a vagina hat. Wear it around the playground at the elementary school. Jus’ sayin’