You’re now over 300 #. Disgusting
I’ll take some pics soon. How about right at 300?
In the meantime check out my soup can dumbbell system. Choose 2 cans do your workout then enjoy!
You’ll never get to 300 eating out of a can. Feel hunger, Mark. It’s the only way. Feel hunger for a few hours daily, and then don’t satisfy it. Just eat enough to not pass out.
Look I have lost 6.8 pounds in under 2 days. I know what I am doing only cutting out small things at a time not to plateau. I had my oatmeal cooked the same way for breakfast and 5 eggs.
I’ll be eating a lot today.
At 300 I’ll take some pics.
I gave this a like even though it sound freaking cruel.
Reg’s discipline to me sounds like iron of the “triumph of the will”-type.
I fasted one day for an ill girl with a web-community this year.
After 18 hours I couldn’t think about anything else than food and drinks.
I broke fasting 2 hours early at 22 hours.
Shit, imagine attempting to do regular work during this torture - almost unthinkable to me
PS: some people fasted several days for her, apperently only the first day also on water
I admit I like fatty foods and fatty girls and to some degree looking a bit healthy weight, too, to make a bolder impression.
How can You even concentrate while feeling hunger and not satisfying it?!?! Are You genetically enhanced?
I agree with this. I have a couple of projects I need to complete by tomorrow. No fasting for me today. It is totally impossible to do mental work and fast for me. That said, it definitely IS possible to do that work without having the sensation of being completely full. There’s a balance you need to reach. If you can’t lose weight this week because you have work you have to get done, at least don’t gain weight. Eat enough that you can get your work done but don’t feel totally full.
I would also note that everyone has an amazing high-tech gauge for whether they’re eating too much. It is called your arschloch. If you fart or burp, you are eating too much. If you are moving your bowels constantly, you are eating too much. If everyone would just pay attention to this high-tech instrument the way they look at the gas gauge when they drive, very few people would be fat.
Do You consider the type of eating-behaviour You described above “feeling hunger for hours” as fasting? Do You have a technique for “barely satisfying” it? You know, to keep above the passing out level - but under the “fully satisfied and full”-level?
I also admit that after a big and hearty meal after having felt hunger, I enjoy - how shall I say - the feeling You get for hours almost as strong as after hrrm s#e#x - I can sleep with an inner peace that way I have trouble to archieve otherwise…
Excuse me?
analog gauge, huh?
Wow, I didn’t think of that
Instead of listening to my Arschloch’s gauge, I lately have been looking more for excuses when someone told me I had gotten way fat - like “Corona lock-down”, “it’s a natural reaction to a crisis”, “Danke Merkel”, “cold German winter”, “I’m into chubby girls and have to match up”, “no I am going to loose weight this year and then visit you next year instead”…
I don’t really use the word fasting for that but it is technically a brief fast (just as the word breakfast means to break the fast of the previous night).
For me, I have two phases I’m in: weight loss and damage control. I have never in my adult life reached the point where I wanted to gain weight. If I want to lose weight and my workload for the day doesn’t involve a lot of deep thinking, I will do what I said. I will wait until I feel hunger for a few hours.
Today, it is 4pm and I just ate. I started feeling hungry around 10 am but didn’t eat until 2 pm (1400).
I had vegetables. Eggplant, onions, mushrooms and red peppers. I also had a half litre of strawberry gelatin with cream. I would guess 500 calories for everything. No meat or cheese. As usual, no bread, rice, pasta or potatoes. I feel great.
This is exactly the problem. It is this euphoric feeling of fullness (which your arschloch gauge will soon inform you was overfilling the tank) which people need to give up. I feel great right now. Totally satisfied. I do not feel “full”, however. You need to accept you will never feel this again in your life. You will learn to despise that feeling in time.
This was a remarkably intelligent bit of self-reflection. You would look great if you got down to 80-90 kilos.
Huh, ok. But unlike me, You don’t wait for the hunger to get the “kick” with a really big, hearty meal and then pass-out, but instead you likely eat slowly and with green salad ahead, so to not overeat.
That’s crazy
*Sigh * but I need this drug especially when under stress and there is Biden, vaccine and psychoterror everywhere. Is it really worth it - Yes, everybody tells me I got fat but I still have no health issues.
Yes, because this year I applied it excessively so I noticed it by myself.
It is a bit private - but with my current BMI I had success “getting to know a young woman” and I don’t think I had fit if I had been trimmer because she easily pushed 170-200 kilos. - And an enormous behind like if I had been in wonderland.
Well, I know, such a woman won’t be able to survive in the wilderness because she has been barely able to walk and stand for some hour, which also called my attention that she won’t be able to go where I am planning to go even if she wished to. She even had a wound on her leg - I have seen these kind of things on heavily overweight men too, but of age, she still being under 30 - and I don’t want to develope such a thing for sure…
Imagine 200 kilos sitting on top of 80 kilos - Blue screen of death, Reg, blue screen of death
It is good you name this a drug. That’s exactly what it is. You need to now resist it as you resist heroin.
Dear God. At least you see that such a woman would lead to a totally horrible life for you, even if you can somehow tolerate her hideousness. Such a life would be living in one place, never traveling, and never contributing anything physically. She probably couldn’t even prepare meals and certainly couldn’t clean the home decently. She probably wouldn’t even be able to keep it tidy as obese people are often very lazy about getting off their asses.
Shit, Reg. What shocked me was when she told that under stress she uses to do “binge-eating” - at term I have never even heard before - while also telling me she doesn’t know how to cook at the same time!
I had been confused, because this information was confusing to me like sometimes on bbad - how can you eat much and don’t know how to cook?!?!
True, I didn’t like the wound and the hole, but that gigantic behind made up for much deficiencies - if You know what I mean…
I am going to effing hurl.