
Yes, my drives said “go!go!go!” - but my instict said “flee” and my brain thankfully overruled my drives before I do some really stupid things…

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Well thank you for the nice evening I had and I have to check my weight better sooner than later because - there is another excuse - “I cannot check my weight because gyms are closed again, sorry”.

I’d love to see You becoming health minister under President Trump - just kidding - or maybe not… Americans likely need advice more urgent than myself because they additionally have the habit to drink soft-drinks in droves - a habit Europeans and Latin American thankfully don’t have in the extend the average US-citizen does…

Viel Glück, Daniel.

Danke, Reg
Have sweet dreams if you are already torturing yourself physically with half-starvation. Here is one for You:

  • when she self-referenced her as a “Achtung, here comes the hippo” walking by the sofa waddling like a pregnant woman with that gigantic landing platform-shaped behind, I barely was able hold myself back - like a buck in front of a female goat in heat
    :sweat::hot_pepper::firecracker::fire: :sweat:

@DthBreath would You elaborate on Your height at 300+ lbs, only if You don’t mind? As I have observed You also like to cook enormous portions of food and then eating it by yourself… That might be another problem I analysed. I am eating more if I am eating alone than with “social control” at the dinner table

One foot shorter than you

You would have to stand next to me at different times or walk around and have the difference in our heights measured at different times and then measure yours.

I guarantee you I will seem at least one foot shorter than anyone here.

Might be another problem?? That’s the problem. I don’t judge people for overeating at all. I don’t understand how you can not know that’s the cause?

You will not like your height around me and especially won’t see all your body looking down.

Hey notice I said I ate hamburgers and did not say with cheese or cheeseburgers? That did the trick. Little tricks every 2 weeks or so to prevent plateau and not exhaust them. Like my weight watchers. I have it set to healthy habits not healthy habits and not healthy habits and weight loss with no rollover points.

Weight loss plateaus are a problem.

Bloating is dangerous. If you eat until you are very full your stomach is still ok even if you have to tie your shoes or lift something. But if you eat to near maximum capacity and then experience bloating you could bust something open.

Or really have your breathing hampered.

Like I said even Reg will look a foot taller than me. Reg might even look wider at the shoulders and with a bigger head. But if we switched shirts or he put on my sunglasses or hat you would notice.

Your height is like your flame height anyway. That why your limbs and trunk are weak. You don’t have a nonextinguished height or you have a water full height.

Your height and weight are ridiculous to me.

That silly looking mask you wear is ridiculous to me.

Can I call you prism people? You are so hard to me. You need all that powdery and liquid cancer to fill space up.

Ok prism.

Can I touch you prism?