
I have had female Drs. My Granny had a female Dr in the 1930’s she said the idea a male Dr would know anything about the female body was laughable.

I agree 100% with your Granny.

Why not? Why do you ask anyway? Feeling left out? Would you like to be needing an Exorcist?

Oh you’re getting stupid and lustful towards me again. Get some sleep.
Sleep with the peace gifted by angels. Love your mother, your sister, your wife. They are all open doorways for your happiness. Ease your mind. Just keep relaxing and giving in to that comfort and sense of power until you have no will or strength to resist it.

You had to try. Now rest and let good things enter.

What were your thoughts towards me when you typed that? What are they now? You probably defecated with loss of control. Trying to be narcissistic and dominant again? Good luck :crossed_fingers:!

Go lay down and turn off all the lights and call your mother and tell her how much you loved her.

Please stop being homosexual towards me.

The queers and straights and trans all loath you.

I am sick. Everyone should feel sorry for me. What’s that you say? You don’t care? Haters.

commiserations but being american is not a sickness

I was sick from January 18th to January 28th.

Flu A is quite prevalent at the moment.

That might be true (or not). BUT. My experience is, that female gynaecologists rather act like military doctors (I exaggerate a bit for making my point clear), while their male counterparts are more - well, polite is the wrong word, but they do it with charme, and are also more careful. And from time to time there is also some nice chat with a laugh happening, lol. That never happened with a female doctor. And a relaxing athmosphere is a blessing given that awkward chair. Trust me. As I still rather prefer going to the dentist with acute aches than having my regular gynaecologist appointment.

Gunda, have you seen Greg’s cookie balls? He rolls them out with such care and such a generous amount of cookie mix and dough. Many women don’t discern.

Look at what Reggie gets past inspection.

I’m wondering if that clump of ____ calls me fat again.

Peanut butter… healthy. Mmmm a whole table spoon. Not!

I care. I hope you puke till you get that sick thing out.

I will keep doing the hot water and soap thing 3 times a day and the hand sanitizer routine until death. Was taught it at home and school and got out of the habit until Wuhan. Someone I knew from growing up his Mom died of it she had pre-existing conditions.

It’s called sepsis, the silent killer. My dad beat that when it came around. It will come around.

Michele, you asked about health abuse and just forcing health hardship on others to make their bodies work harder.
7 infants with broken femurs all by the same nurse. Why would she do it? Maybe it generates more health having to heal. She looks worried like she has no more health or life and is going dead inside. Must be easier than kickstarting her own system.

Sorry, I have no clue what you are talking about and I can’t see your video.