
You get so soft and then always with the little insult.

Hope it well Dan. Coincidentally my mother had an endoscopy done today. We had been eating a lot of dark vegetables and she was a bit concerned and even threw out some meat she cooked that was left in her car up front forgotten when the back was emptied. Good thing as she mentioned this at her regular appointment. She might have an ulcer and she was straining screaming at me the other day with some no sense argument that sounded like she had some neighbors desperately trying to scream out through her.
I am hoping the endoscopy cleared out any ā€œshared voiceboxā€ for projected spirits.
She seems better now but is still in hospital. Tomorrow she will have an iron infusion and blood transfusion. She totally just drinks too much coffee, and she is not overweight at all and actually walks faster than most people. I remember her lapping several people with the walker she brought in case she got tired at some botanical garden and even when she walks almost daily at parks.

She said she will meet with a nutritionist tomorrow as well. I hope we can let go of some of other peoples petty arguments stuck in way in the past. My sisterā€™s mother-in-law is also older and they have to hire care.

Sometimes it is just too much fighting for others when they make so little effort to live,

I think itā€™s a JC issue. I used to do tons of stomach damage just to keep it from going dead and raise the bar on blood limit. Sometimes you just have to cut ties with people who are at max but suppressing your life. Forget screaming insecurities and lack of trust,

The CDC has asked doctors to begin evaluating patients for Ebola as they fear the disease has made its way into the U.S.

Unfortunate. Perhaps consider being careful. From ChatGPT:

Ebola Spreads Through:

  1. Direct contact with bodily fluids (blood, saliva, vomit, urine, feces, sweat, breast milk, semen, vaginal fluids).
  2. Sexual transmission (semen can carry the virus for up to 18 months).
  3. Touching contaminated surfaces (bedding, medical equipment).
  4. Handling infected corpses (common in burial rituals).
  5. Animal contact (eating or handling infected bats, monkeys, or apes).
  6. Mucous membrane exposure (virus in saliva/mucus enters eyes, nose, mouth).
  7. Cuts or open wounds exposed to infected fluids.

:no_entry_sign: Not airborne (doesnā€™t spread like COVID-19 or the flu).

In America the founder of Murder Inc just died. He was diagnosed with diabetes and had a stroke and died 2 years later. This disease is rising in Canada and America. My Uncle among other reasons died of diabetes. Beside Reg I know another dude who has it he had a horrible diet and no excercise for decades. He changed his diet and started exercising but a couple years later he got his diagnosis.

I just looked at the AMA website and there is not one case of Ebola in America. What is with the irrational fear some ppl have of this horrible disease that is only in Africa basically. TB outbreak in Kansas is not good obviously.

Itā€™s not just diet. It may be diet, too, but itā€™s also genetic. I remember being a kid, perhaps 12 years old, going to a doctor for bronchitis, and he looked at my family history and said ā€œyouā€™re going to be diabetic, might as well get used to the ideaā€. 25 years later, I got my diagnosis.

My diet is excellent and I control my diabetes mostly through good lifestyle choices. Iā€™m currently about 78 kilos (172 lbs) and I walk a few km per day. I am not in amazing shape or anything, but Iā€™m healthier than most people my age.

But your not even cut or ripped and your legs donā€™t look like some cyclists.
Do you use scripture not to get jacked or cut?

I will. You do the same.

Itā€™s not fear. Itā€™s an awareness.

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You realize Iā€™m aware of my weight and have been losing weight with what Iā€™m eating. I go to the gym 6 days a week unless I do a home workout. Even at this weight I have more muscle definition than you do. My EKG is definitely better same with my blood sugar and digestive tract. Iā€™m a much better fighter., much more powerful and faster than youā€¦I can also take way may more damage and impactā€¦ And I can rock up a steel force erection that pulses and I can move on its own.

What Iā€™m wondering is why Iā€™m so weak and just canā€™t seem to lift heavier consistently sometimes.

I used to get the Olympic ez curl bar and put on a 45 pound plate each side and rep just for reps with my back against the wall for about a minute. It would stop the whole gym. I would move up to 2 45 pound plates each side yes 4 total with a weight over 200 pounds and then do about 6 clean reps and then these progressively bestial swinging cheat reps.

Whatā€™s the deal with the strength cap of 20 pounds for me?

20 is not 200. Donā€™t you think your scale is a bit unfair to me?

Mark, I realize you are aware of your weight. I am not trying to convince you to do anything about your weight. Your weight is your business. You have stated several times, including very recently, that you hope to lose weight. I totally support your goal.

Mark, you havenā€™t been losing weight at all. You have been over 300 lbs for 20 years. I am not trying to convince you to lose weight, but thereā€™s no point in lying to yourself about your progress. You are stable in the low 300s.

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This needs to be hit harder. At every lower 300 I move faster and more coordinated. .I have more mobility. And Iā€™m sometimes much stronger. But the days that are just offā€¦makes me wonder.

320 to me isnā€™t what 320 was before . Neither is 312 or 307. If I make it down to 295 I donā€™t want a disappointment.

Have you ever seen these 5 pounds of muscle 5 pounds of fat props they use in demos of products and programs?

What about just 5 pounds fake or replica human fat? You keep telling me I have 30 plus chunks of these on and inside my body? Find a video and see how big one solid gold chunk is. Look for a 10 pound gold slug of fat.

I must break you.

Yes of course there is genetics. Great you walk .

Thanks Mark. The procedure was easy. Fentanyl and benzodiazepine helped. The prep was not fun, but probably better than not eating fiber for a week. The diet was the worst part to me. Food tasted amazing after not eating for 40 hours. It was just haddock, squash and rice pilaf.

Urology for me on the 11th. Just a referral by my regular female doctor after she gave me some meds for urinating too frequently, which might have been due to other meds in not longer takingā€¦ Itā€™s been rescheduled twice now a month every time.

Why do you have a female doctor? Thatā€™s unusual.

I just needed a sedative.