
Iā€™m feeling much better now. Whatā€™s that? You donā€™t care? Haters.

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She died of Wuhan not sepsis. I am 59 years old no one I knew ever had sepsis let alone died of it,

A Costco in the Seattle area had a stack of eggs that today sold out in 20 minutes it was on KIR0 7. Other stores are rationing eggs. Eggs here in Hope BC are $5.99 a dozen,

congrats, not sure how you managed to do that without usaid

Sepsis is an unknown contributor. It is not listed as the main cause of death, itā€™s hard actually to say if it was, but if it wasnā€™t present at all often times there would be no death from the original ailment.

Oh, thatā€™s right, youā€™ve been out sickā€¦and nothing has been the same since you left, except Mark and his his many, many, many educational posts.

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I got eggs at trader joes for $3.49/dozen.

Looks like RFK Jr will get confirmed. If he didnā€™t his replacement would have been just as bad. Or worse.

Urology went well. Need to wait until Thursday for BSA tests as some diagnostic beaches are oddly closed until March.
The meds I have work very well, however if I stop some symptoms return but nowhere near what the frequency of having to urinate and sudden and massive body reaction when triggered to.

Iā€™ll talk about this medicine maybe later and some things I experienced.

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Where they unwashed with still cuticle (aka bloom) still covering and kept unrefrigerated as they can be with cuticle?

Interesting. My sickness lasted only a few days.

Mine too, but it partially lingers.

Reggie Iā€™m going to draw the cut off line with you as a geriatric unless you show something betterā€¦maybe respect.

Otherwise you are in with the geriatrics group.


Me too.

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RFK bad for America bad for his family glad Mitch MCConell voted against it he had polio as a child and knows how important vaccines are.

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His voice box is messed up because of vaccines.

Agreed. His replacement would have also been an antivaxxer so same difference.

PSA test had levels of .33 within range and mostly likely lower. I had to look up the test myself and was not told anything about certain criteria. I donā€™t fast. But specifically was not supposed to exercise for 48 hours especially any cycling. I actually did just that. My normal split, heavy bag, and then painful I did use the exercise cycle. There are several available but this time I have been moving up to the spinner bike. I purchased a small slip on seat cover for this for the ungodly crushing weight and I meant feels like a small bird having itā€™s bones cracked when I use this, although itā€™s getting better even with the same weight, as my weight went down and them up again but you can see more muscle and strength.
Also no ejac. Which I forcefully cutoff from doing yet this was due to untimeliness.and just basically wasted and retracted erection Iā€™m sure this had effect on results.

These increase PSA levels. I considered taking nsaids like ibuprofen and Tylenol to lower the test the morning before, but did not.

Safe range and most likely lower due to activity and possible internalized.ej.
Next time no flex workout and drifting thoughts.
Good to know. Healthy.
Good . Healthy.

High blood sugar levels can damage nerves and muscles, leading to retrograde ejaculation.

Itā€™s not just that. Itā€™s too much spent reward at the urinal. And itā€™s.not just that itā€™s too much urinating into the body and even to create a pseudo erection.

Too much urine in the limbs. And it is not just that it is too much travel and end especially flying. Too much flying causes legs nerve damage and itā€™s worse when bloat is with urine.

Maybe even check the alignment of the planets and ā€œmercury retrogradeā€

Stop flying. Dont get a ā€œleg upā€ :leg: on travel by urinating into the body and retrograde ejaculation
That is not semen/sperm retention. That is a fail.

Lots of videos about men talking how women will know when they are on " retentionā€™

Letā€™s not deceive ourselves and play this stupid game.

We should have listened to Reggieā€™s advice from day one. Think of how much stronger a d healthier we would be and enjoying life. He must be right about other things too.