
I’m not sure for how long. My guess is the price actually went up from 0.012/pill to 0.013/pill at some point.


You can ask AI when you are going to die. Death clock is the app.

I went to acute care yesterday. I have been sick since Monday morning which isn’t very long. My wife has been sick for 8 days. We are both covid negative.

My symptoms have been…
Body aches
Sore throat

Thursday into Friday, my worst symptom was sore throat. Especially when swallowing. It was so bad, I couldn’t feel if I was achy. I have been taking about 1800 mgs of ibuprofen since Monday.

I made an appointment in urgent care because I was working. I was hoping to rule out strep. That was my only goal.

When my wife went on Tuesday to her primary care doctor, they did tests for covid, flu and strep. All negative. They told her to leave. She called them back Thursday (we were both out sick) and told them her ears were blocked again. They told her it was a virus. She called our town’s local urgent care and got a virtual appointment. They gave her antibiotics that she is now on.

I have no idea how my appointment is going to go, but my hope is strep test to see if I need antibiotics. Instead, it was so thorough. They ordered influenza, covid and strep. All negative. I’m sitting in the room for over an hour waiting. 35 minutes in, I get an email for my lab results. All negative. 30 minutes later, nobody has come in. I leave the room and ask to pee. When I come back, they send me to xray on chest before I even get back to the room. So, I think they forgot about me, but they definitely initially had me jump the lines. Especially, in radiology. I was there for 10 minutes. I went back to urgent care and waited for 10 minutes. I see the xray is normal on my phone before going in. I just wanted to leave. It had been 2 hours which isn’t long but if a virus, I just want to.sleep.

The PA comes into the room and says, we can do 3 things. Motrin injection in your hip. I told him had already taken 1200 that day and he said it didn’t matter. He send me home with 2 steroid pills to take with food for my wheezing. As well as an inhaler.

I’d say my hospital was great, other than none of the 4 receptionists I talked to bothered to make eye contact. Embarrassing to work in that environment. The PA, nurse, aids and radiology tech were all good.

I initially wrote this so I can update what my hospital cost will be lol. I wanted a strep tesf. Imstead I got strep test, flu. Covid, xray, copay, pharmacy. I’ve spent $7 at the hospital pharmacy. Only took 20 minutes to get my drugs there. The whole thing took about 3 hours and 30 minutes. PA apologized for the wait, but I didn’t think it was that bad. I have an undiagnosed virus. Either RSV or one that can’t be tested for.

I’ll update this when the bill comes and my insurance decides how much they feel like paying. My copay is $30. It’s actually $200 in the ER. One of the things Michele and I agree on. Some couldn’t afford the $30.

hmm guess its good you found out neither of you got strep but a bit worrisome its an unknown virus or something else…

take good care of yourself and your wife

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No more fever. Hopefully it doesn’t come back after the motrin injection wears off.

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Sanders: Diabetes and Weight Loss Drugs Could Bankrupt U.S. Health Care System » Senator Bernie Sanders.

It looks like the drug companies will be able to bankrupt medicare.

I was at the radio club. Having an undiagnosed illness is unsettling. Speedy recovery.

Thanks. I’m much better. It might be a very bad cold. Apparently, it is going around.

nice to hear!

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I really don’t see why it’s a big deal for the government to say, “You are going to charge this much for your drug. We do not care if you worship capitalism, we don’t.”.

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Sorry, did read your post only this morning. Hope you and your wife are well again by now.

I don’t mean to sound ungrateful for progress against diseases but it only took 7 months to develop a vaccine against Covid-19. Why must it take 5 years to develop a cure for diabetes? Why can’t everyone who has diabetes become a case study for the cure? What happened to Global Human Experiments?

Because there is zero financial incentive to cure diabetes. On the contrary, there is a huge financial incentive to continue treating it without curing it.

Then why did they creat a vaccine to prevent the spread of Covid?

You don’t seem to understand what I’m saying. I am saying it is far more profitable to come up with an ongoing treatment that never ends, as opposed to a cure. A vaccine is the same as a diabetes treatment. You get a new vaccine every year until you die. This is far more profitable than curing covid. Cures are bad business.

I think I do understand exactly what you’re saying. They need sick people to make a profit so if they continuously inject us with their poi…I mean medicine, we will keep returning to the scene of the cri…I mean we will keep scheduling appointments to be seen by a college educated back sta…I mean Practitioner, who will charge us just so he/she can hear themselves talk, share bad news and tell us everything that is wrong with us. It’s a racket. Every dose of medicine that fixes one problem creates another, such as with steroids, which reduces inflammation in the body but weakens the heart. That’s unethical but a patient will take it without question because educated doctors are considered healers.

Yes, that’s about right, although I don’t agree that the medicine is poison. For many diabetics, insulin is the only thing that keeps them from blindness. It’s far more profitable to sell someone an insulin pen every week for the rest of their lives than to cure them.

The right food does the same thing.

For some, yes. For others, no. There are many Type 1 diabetics who simply can’t get the amount of nutrients they need to survive without spiking their bsl. I am not one of them, thankfully, but I’m in tune with the diabetic community and I know there are millions of them.