
There are so many different cancers. Some more grave than others.

I don’t like Rand Paul. I think it’s funny that he blames Biden for this, when 2 republicans started it. I wrote to my senator about it. I can copy paste my letter to her sometime.

laboratory developed tests are already regulated. If this passes, hospitals will never be able to develop a test again. For 6 months, between June 2020 to December 2020, all I did was covid testing on an LDT. That was just one test. Our herpes test was an LDT, our hep C genotype. A few others. We put a disclaimer that they are not fda approved, but we are still regulated by numerous agencies already. One of them has something to do with medicare. The other is the college of American pathologists.

We would still be able to run our current LDTs but would never consider bringing another in.

Rand Paul probably doesn’t care about labs, but I’m glad he did this quickly.

I’m not sure when the vote will be. I assume if it fails and I don’t think it will fail, this still wouldn’t go into affect on July 5th.

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I know nothing about this issue but on my quick reading it seems obvious we shouldn’t impede LDTs.

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Yes. I wouldn’t expect anyone that doesn’t work in the lab to understand it. Hopefully, congess listens to us. It seems to have bipartisan support.

I’d like to read what you wrote. You also didn’t name the republicans and what they did.

Heartbreaking. I can already see what we will be missing out on.
Me: What’s wrong with me?
Dr: You have a rare disease for which there is no cure but we will need to run more tests to determine how rare it is. We will start with some basic lab tests and imaging. If we see something suspicious we may have to investigate further with endoscopic testing. If we see something bad there we will have to biopsy it but don’t worry, I was taught in medical school that puncturing it won’t cause it to spread, even though some cells are lost when drawing up the diseased tissue. It will be fixed, dehydrated, sectioned, stained and mounted before it is examined under a microscope by a pathologist. You will get the results in 7 to 8 days, which is a short time compared to 7 years it took in the dark ages. To date, you have a bill of $6000.00 and your deductible is 5500.00, but we are just getting started. Fortunately, you are covered under Obamacare so insurance will pay for everything after you meet that deductible. Have a nice day.


I hope congress ignores you. Melissa was diagnosed with Stage 2, invasive ductal carcinoma. Triple negative.

Her pet scan came back yesterday with HR negative, I think. Not sure what that means.

I believe she already has. She doesn’t lover her life to death. Her options are chemo (some say poison), radiation (some also say poison) AND surgery. That’s two years of intense and very sickening treatment. She lives check to check and has a grown child with severe ADHD. She has passed on chemo.

She is getting PET scans but not getting a Dr’s care why is that? Cancer of course is a leading cause of death I know ppl that died of it but I know someone who caught it in the early 70’s and was still alive last year. Hope she gets better.

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Dr’s who only offer chemo as treatment will not care for you if you reject the treatment they offer. They were kind enough to refer her to a surgeon who will hopefully see the pet scan and schedule to operate. She obviously doesn’t want to experience a burn but I believe she’s not completely against radiation.

Hope she gets cured.

She will be. What could possible go wrong

I just wanted to share the report my sister received this morning.

Melissa had that tumor removed from her breast 2 weeks ago along with two lymph nodes. The report stated that the lymph nodes were free from cancer so there really was no need to remove them, but anyway, it also stated that she is cancer free. Her therapy has been hyperbaric oxygen and chlorine dioxide.

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This amused me. To prepare for back to school and flu season one should purchase an expensive COvid test, expensive medicine such as acetaminophen and ibuprofen, eat healthy, wash hands, exercise, mask, get adequate sleep, schedule and appointment to see your physician and schedule a separate but equally expensive appointment for dental care and optometry. Good advice, but at the end of the article they state dispite using these measures many children may still contract covid or some other seasonal illness.:grin: That kind of rhetoric of mixing the truth with propaganda to make a sale will not survive. They also forgot to mention keeping 6 feet apart lol.

There is nothing expensive about ibuprofen.

Good luck to anyone trying to get a doctor’s appointment. It is only possible if someone cancels.


Or Tylenol which is the other drug mentioned.

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For you it may seem cheap but for someone on a fixed income with 3 bucks in their pocket, it’s unaffordable.

If you are for having drug prescriptions funded by single payer government healthcare, I’m with you.

Ibuprofen over the counter at $.0.01/pill is probably the cheapest thing you can buy. I actually can’t think of anything that costs $0.01. Except, maybe an oat or a piece of corn.

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Why would you trust any western government to sell us insurance when they are in a state of harlotry?

I don’t know where you get .01. They are 76 cents per pill at 12.99.

Nope. There are 1000 pills. It says it right there 0.01/pill. Its is actually 0.013/pill. They just rounded down.

Do you think ibuprofen and acetaminophen should cost $0.00? Or do you think they shouldn’t be used? If you think they should cost $0.00/pill, how do you think that should happen?

Since when does 1000 pills cost 12.99 at .01 cent per pill?

I don’t expect anything to be free and I’m not against using Tylenol when needed but it definitely shouldn’t be overused and if it is there is probably an underlying problem that should be addressed but it should be reasonable. A single pack of two pills at a convenience store is over a buck. That’s not really the point. The experts recommend all this medicine and costly visits to physicians, dentists and optometrists when there is nothing wrong with us that would indicate we should pay to have someone tell us that. It’s a racket. The medical community is so far removed from the ethical oath that some refuse to operate when a request is made by a paying patient.