Head Covering

I’m sorry. I thought you said, “Go there.”

I think I’ll go take a nap.

Many seemingly random points. This seems to be bothering you a lot.

I am not sending you to Hell. You have rewritten all conventional thinking about the Bible in your last few messages to now say there are only two commandments that matter. Homosexuality, incest and bestiality are all ok as long as you love God and your neighbours. I have no response to this. In fact, I rather like it.

I know of no verses in the Torah regarding veils. Regarding the Corinthian homosexuals who were looked down on, as long as they loved God and their neighbours, they should be fine according to your new hermeneutic.

I agree totally about not saying unflattering things about one’s wife. I would never do so intentionally. I do not think observing that she doesn’t know the Bible well is unflattering.

I have no interest in deleting your words. Speak as you wish. Or not. Or nap. Have fun.

I was just too lazy to finish my point.

It does.

Did I say you are sending me to Hell?

That isn’t true. I said there are two Commandments. Head coverings is not one if them.

What did I say that makes you think that?

I know. It’s normal to you.

Well I don’t understand, Reg. It’s a rule. Why can’t you find it?

What? You are so far offbase. We should probably address that with scripture. Since you totally are reading something into what I posted that is taking you further away from the point I was trying to make. You know, before I got sleepy. Brb.

14 Does not even nature itself teach you that if a man has long hair, it is a dishonor to him?

For behold, you shall conceive and bear a son. And no razor shall come upon his head, for the child shall be a Nazirite to God from the womb; and he shall begin to deliver Israel out of the hand of the Philistines.”
Judges 13: 5
Did God cause Samson to be dishonored?

For if a woman is not covered, let her also be shorn. But if it is shameful for a woman to be shorn or shaved, let her be covered.

She can be shorn if she has short hair.

If her hair is her glory, why would she have to cover it?

Yes, actually.

Regarding being disrespectful to my woman, I raised it with her and she doesn’t feel slighted. She admits openly that she doesn’t know the Bible well and also doesn’t care about it much. She doesn’t think that the exact words written down by some men two thousand years ago are particularly relevant. She believes in a higher power but does not think that power’s intentions and instructions are laid clear in any particular book.

Regarding all the other stuff you just wrote, honestly I am having a hard time following it and am finding it more incoherent with each passing post. Here’s how I see it:

  • Either the many rules of the Bible apply now or they don’t. You said earlier that there were no rules, and only two commandments (love God and your neighbour). Which of those is true?

  • If the latter is true, I have no quarrel with you. Be gay, screw your dog, screw your aunt, your sister, whatever, just love God and your neighbour and you’re fine.

  • If the former is true, then I don’t see why the requirement that you wear a head covering while praying doesn’t apply to you. I don’t see how you can be in a state of honest repentance for your sins while you carry on never planning to ever obey this rule.

  • If you go around saying some variation on “I obey most of the Bible but I just disagree with that part”, I don’t see the difference between that and someone saying they obey most of the Bible but just don’t agree with the part about not having sex with other men in the rear end.

  • You can torture logic about how hair is a covering all you want. This is obviously nonsense. Everyone knows what a hair covering is. Paul was a plain-spoken man who never minced words. He knew what a hair covering was and he used the common word for it in the Bible. Still, if these are the mental gymnastics you need to do to reconcile your own behaviour with your religion, I am fine with it.

That’s right. I napped that feeling off and forgot how insensitive you are.

How can the questions I asked be Incoherent? They are questions? Not STUFF. [quote=“Reg, post:87, topic:814”]
Either the many rules of the Bible apply now or they don’t.
I suppose this is where we part beliefs. You call them rules. No wonder you hate God. You have created so many rules you make loving God a prison sentence. If I’m still being incoherent say so and I’ll get off this merry-go-round you baited me into.

quote=“Reg, post:87, topic:814”]
You said earlier that there were no rules, and only two commandments (love God and your neighbour). Which of those is true?
On these two commandments hang all the law and the prophets.
Is this post coherent, Reg? I don’t wanna lose you mid-rule.

You’re gross.

I’ve told you over and over. Apparently, it’s too incoherent for you to understand. This is my last attempt to make it clear for you. I’ll try to be as coherent as I possibly can so pay close attention.
It does apply to me. If I should ever feel moved or led to wear one, it would be a sin to ignore my own conviction. As a part of the body of Christ, we are all moved to do different things at different times.
The Bible says pray without ceasing. Am I breaking all the “rules” or am I sinning if I’m not praying every moment of the day? I do pray every time I feel I need to. I don’t watch the clock and pray by the hour like some robot and I don’t pray without ceasing. I pray as I am moved or led. I pray when I’m given remembrance about something.
I have a real problem, Reg. I totally rely on Jesus to bring the thoughts to the forefront of my mind that I need to be praying over. If you can’t wrap your big brain around that, it’s probably too incoherent. I’m sorry if I failed to help you I understand.

I never plan anything. If I’m suppose to wear a veil God will convict me and I will do it.

I don’t disagree with it. Remember, I conceded. Wearing a symbol of authority while praying or prophesying in church expresses a woman’s conviction to honor authority. I’m not familiar with it because in my church women don’t pray or prophesy before the congregation. Women stay quiet and mind their business while the men lead the service.
If I should ever feel led to pray or prophesy before the congregation, I will, as a symbol of my obedience to authority, cover my head.

It’s all about a personal conviction. Incoherent as that may be to you.

He also said, “ But if anyone seems to be contentious, we have no such custom, nor do the churches of God.

You have strongly expressed your authoritative understanding on the Bible most especially through your confession of your wife’s lack of knowledge of the Bible. In my eyes you appeared lifted up. Haughty even. The fact that you acknowledge that Paul didn’t mince words implies you seem well educated on the subject. I’ve asked you two very direct questions. I want to be respectful but if you don’t know the answer, we should call @Tychicus. I’m certain he would guide both of us in the right direction.


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So, you only have to obey the rules if you feel moved at the moment to obey them? So if a homo doesn’t feel moved to not get fudge packed, he can go ahead and do so?

I didn’t realize this. I thought you had to obey the rules all the time. When it says honour thy father and mother, does it mean only if you currently feel moved to honour them, otherwise you can go ahead and dishonour them until you feel moved? That would seem logical if you’re allowed to pray without a head covering until you feel moved to do so

It doesn’t say “before a congregation”. No version says that. As I read it, you’re not allowed to pray at home in private without a head covering.

Hahahaha. Great idea! Maybe I could email Mark, too. :smiley:

Why do you say such terrible things and you have been quoting this verse but will never read down to contentions for close to two decades? Do you not look down on your wife’s head and find her beautiful? Do you not find her filling and satisfying to you? Who must make the effort for these things?

Your relationship is haunted by a ghost.

A fishbowl is a head covering.
Veil tails are good goldfish. Mysterio, the character from Marvel had the goldfish bowl on his head Spider-Man always cracked jokes at. Putting a goldfish in a goldfish bowl is illegal in some places because it is cruel to the eye. I suppose the fishbowl over the head might not be against scripture because it is transparent but may hurt the eye as well.

Reggie have you seen many people with a goldfish bowl over their heads or with a veil tail goldfish? Can you tell by the shape and do you consider it cruelty?

Hmm seems like we can never get unstuck of this topic. I have some hair loss issues and I bought a hat recently. I am going out in a bit to have my haircut short to allow the growth to catch up and it won’t look so bad. Also no beer.

Reggie you seem to have a very unresolved issue here.

Have you tried Rogaine? I’m 54 and still have a full head of hair, although much of it is grey if I don’t dye it, which I do. I’m not sure if that’s due to my use of Rogaine but it might be.

No, not Rogaine. Minoxidil ages me ridiculously. If I had soft cookies stuck on the top of my head and I wanted to expose thehair underneath, then it might it work. Head temperature gets ridiculous with that stuff anyway. I use minoxidil and my face looks like an old sandwich bag that stays for about a week.

Interesting! I have no side effects. Lucky for me.

Maybe thick pomade and gel should be a head covering. Just bough an all natural root lifting serum in a pump spray bottle for about 3.50 quinoa and caffeine and it says vegan not like i plan on cooking with it or adding it to salads.

We need to unstuck you off this topic. Maybe it is a hat choice for you. Just say grounded, stay rooted.

I have a head full of thick silky soft hair. I owe it all to smoking and drinking.