Good Sports Day

I agree that they should run out of steam. Maybe Florida already has.

I watched France vs the wicked Dutch. We were in a Shawarma place and the mostly-Iraqi staff had the game on in Arabic. They didn’t care who won as they hate both nations equally. I usually dislike TVs in restaurants but this was convenient. We watched for about a half hour until the game ended. France totally dominated but couldn’t score. The wicked Dutch had a goal called back but I couldn’t understand why as I didn’t understand Arabic. It ended 0-0. A pleasant way to spend a bit of time this afternoon, and the shawarma was excellent.

EDIT: I found the highlights. Apparently the Dutch goal was offside. Good.

France and Spain are using the tactic of giving up zero goals which seems like a good idea.

Frankly, they both usually have excellent midfields.

no it wasnt, in order for someone to be offside they have to participate or obstruct… yes our guy was standing next to the keeper, but didnt touch the ball or the keeper and didnt even obstruct his view

basically it would only be offside if this player was impeding the keeper and he clearly wasnt lol this keeper showed no intention of diving and had no chance at all to catch that ball with or without that player there… bad call

not that the netherlands deserved to win; france shouldve scored at least twice but griezmann was kind and blind lol

i expected more from france, shame it was the first draw and game without any goals in the tournament!
first couple minutes was nice, rest of the match was bad and focussed on defense/not losing (which is normal for france and in this situation since both teams already had 3 points and already go through next round, but our team showed way too much respect and fear)

lol no they dont, nowadays everyone only plays very defensive counter football

yes (unlike the other countries) france and spain have so many good players on all positions they could both literally simultaneously play with 2 separate teams that could win the championship

lol the best happened before the match:

Edmonton won again. Tied 3-3. They have a chance. They also have the best player in the world.

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Incredible. They have a great chance.

seems like all countries decided to play bad in their last matches lol but wow, what a nice end result: the netherlands got the easiest draw ever!
spain, germany, portugal, france, belgium are all on the other side! lol

if they can forget about their last awful match and play a couple decent games they have a very easy road straight to the final!

I hope they lose in the final. That’s always the best outcome for me.

Spain’s strategy of giving up zero goals is an excellent one. I think I could coach them.

lol italy is out, deatroyed by the swiss 2-0!!

Switzerland crushed Italy. Nice.

Italy did manage 16 fouls and 3 yellow cards. Unfortunately for them, they scored 0 goals.

I’m half italian by blood, but they’ve always had a boring football team. I have only been to Rome for 1 day. It might have been that I was awake for 24 hours when I got there, but I would say Rome is a little too caffeinated for me.

It was the most hyper city I’ve been to. The guys either had lots of hair or no hair.

Looks like :de: against :denmark:.

:de: should get some nice hometown calls. Perhaps a PK in the first half.

Germany won. Denmark almost had as many fouls as :it:.

yup and you were right; that penalty was easily given by that awful referee and gave germany the win

will be interesting to see how the germans will do against spain (unless georgia cause the biggest upset in history and beat spain lol)

I wonder if Georgia will get a shot off.

lol after 45mins england 0 slovakia 1 !!!

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I am not following Euro 2024 (too much going on in my life right now) but I always enjoy watching England lose. Go Slovaks!

That was a brilliant goal in the 95th minute.

I’ve noticed that when a team scores 0 goals, they have a difficult time winning. That was an important goal, for sure.

I see England plays Sweet Caroline when they win. I believe the Red Sox started that.

lol yes very nice goal… poor silly slovakia if only they continued playing a bit more attacking like they did in the first half…