German music

Lyrics I sadly have to agree with. Guess that development comes with age or rather with the experience which make you compare your own naivity, idealism and hope with reality. Even if you try hard not to give in to the results you get.

Großvater (Grandfather) by STS. Probably their most popular song.

Since Gunda has posted three times, I will post something German so she can post again. Ever helpful. I also changed the limit to 10 but will have to change it back if anyone has a meltdown.






The only form of meditation which works for me. Certain music. Instrumental or not doesn‘t matter. It simply depends. This here is one which works. And btw., I hate Yoga.

Hey Gunda. My sister and I have both decided we cannot understand the language but the song is beautiful.

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I am happy if this music touches you, maybe even your souls, as it does to me. The language is Austro-Bavarian, a variant of the German language. The song is about a man being abroad or at least away from home for already a long time and yearning for coming home again („Wieder Hoam“ in Austro-Bavarian or „Wieder nach Hause“ in High German), and to see his little son and girl as well as to feel the hand of his wife/girlfriend on his skin.

Another song which let my soul dangle with the emotion of feeling at home, feeling deeply rooted. The language used is a huge trigger, as well as the music of course. This is a song about the passing of time and the changes with came with it. The title and first line „Heast as net“ (wia die Zeit vergeht) can be translated with „Don‘t you hear it“ (how the time flies by).

I am lucky I can feel this deep and save feeling. So many don‘t, due to many reasons. Migration, bad experiences when young etc. I am lucky. And I am thankful for this.

your feelings are deeper than those of mere mortals

thoughtful of you to understand

Migration makes you feel less?

be quiet
she’s very sensitive

Neither did I say nor did I mean that. People who migrated to a different country, usually don‘t feel as rooted and identify themselves with that new country as people who live there for generations. The more they differ racially or culturally (including religion) the harder for them. Generally speaking. There always will be exceptions.

dear gunda
ever migrated?
ever been forced to leave a place because there was no food or too many artillery shells?
so what you know about migration is you want to build a wall to stop it?
love bill

Didn‘t know this lulluby by Mey. It‘s about the most beautiful flowers, colors and lucky charms.

hitler liked music
and dogs
what else?

didn’t richard wagner like music?
i think he was the child of nazis
what’s another word for a child of nazis?