Favorite Music Videos

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U2, oh my. Great music comes to mind.

Still one of my favorites.

And that‘s their cutest song or rather video, lol.

How often I listened to this song. Volume high up. I feel a teen again right now, lol.

Uhm. I actually only came by to post this wonderful Irish traditional. Very, very well intonated.

The Irish are enemies of Israel, Gunda. Just saying.

Oh, I am as well, silly. But I am even more an enemy of Palestine, which would be way worse than Israel is. I pray for that day, Iran get‘s the A-bomb, for that they all commit suicide finally.

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Another wonderful version of a famous Irish song, which I got introduced by listening to Van Morrison.

While I generally agree with you, I note that Israel and Iran both have a certain charm to them. If you look at videos of each country on the ground, you’ll find wonderful people and places with their own beauty and style. I also hope Iran gets nuclear weapons, but only to ensure that the US doesn’t invade it and that Israel doesn’t attack it. Mutually assured destruction has worked for the USA, Russia and China. I hold out hope it might work for Israel and Iran.

not nazi?

The people are all nice and kind, as long as they keep their privileges over other’s.

I took a general physcology class a while ago and had this as a part of it. Curious to see if anyone wanted to see/ answer the questions. Don’t have to post the answers if you don’t want to. I thought that relational physcology to be deceptive.

Favorite animal - horse. 3 reasons why? I think they are noble, loyal, and diverse
Favorite color - purple- why… originally it was a rare color, unique, and difficult to obtain
Favorite body of water- Flathead Lake why? It is clear, looks shallow, but is quite deep, and tranquil setting.

Still one of my favorites.
Awful song. Bono had a lot of great songs but I’m not sure he had many hits. I mean, you can call them hits. Not sure I can since I only ever enjoyed One.

I’ll play.

Favorite animal?
Lola the cat. 3 reasons why? She is useless, lazy and dislikes most people, just like me.

Favorite color?
Dark Burgundy. Why? I am currently wearing a shirt that colour and I like it. If you ask me this question again tomorrow, you’ll get a different answer.

Favorite body of water?
The Caribbean Sea. Why? I love the vibe in Cartagena.

was it like a scolon-octoby?

you should take a fizzics course
reggie can tutor you

I didn‘t watch the video, just take your answers as an orientation:

Favorite animal: horse. 3 reasons why? There exists no other creature on earth which possesses more beauty, elegance and magic than a horse.

Favorite color: blue. I don‘t know why. Maybe because that colour stands for water and somehow I feel peace watching that colour and walk along the beach, looking onto the horizon.

Favorite body of water: Any shallow, bright blue water along a sandy beach. I dislike deep dark water, where I can‘t see the ground, though.

Good. That shirt makes you look fat.

Beautiful image