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Ahh, it’s nice that you have lots of festivals that you can enjoy. We have no pride festivals here. Even if we did I wouldn’t participate or show support for the things they celebrate. It’s not that I think I’m better because I’m definitely not. I just don’t believe I could ever show support for an activity I would never participate in or be a part of.

It’s odd to see you less conservative than I am on a topic. lol. I find their parade distasteful.

Well, Reg, they are living, breathing humans and as such they should be free to express themselves in a manner the best represents who they are. I do wish they would share those shameful things amongst themselves instead of in public in view of innocent children but there is no need for anyone to point out how distasteful their activities are. They know full well what they are doing every time they speak in public or have a parade.

I think there is value in expressing my distaste. No hate. No harm. No violence. But distaste.

I think Halloween is a stupid, satanic holiday. I think “trick or treat”, which means if you don’t give me a treat I will perform some trick against you, is a disgusting thing to be teaching children. I oppose the Halloween Parade in Vancouver. I think there is value in expressing that opinion, rather than letting the parade go on with no dissenting voice.

The same is true for Pride Month.

You’re absolutely right. Your opinion has great value but where are you sharing your opinion? Are you lobbying government where it counts or ranting to bbaders? Where you share your view makes a lot of difference.

Good question and good point. I tell my friends I don’t like it. I tell Erika who dislikes it more than I do. I post on BBAD that I don’t like it. That’s it. Not exactly sticking my neck out, I admit.

You are getting a little carried away. No one is going to pull a trick on you, Reg. But you are right. It is symbolic of something dark and if we aren’t going to teach our children about the love of Christ someone will teach them about a different kind of love.

Well, in a way you are but not in a way that adds value to the purpose.

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I am no techno fan and can’t imagine how people even can survive a whole evening/night at such an event - but a friend of mine and her turkish partner fly once every year to Ibiza and that Techno scene there is one big reason for it. A few songs I can imagine to dance to, but a whole evening - no way. I like for example this tech remix, but only because Stings sexy voice instantly catches me every time. And I like those nice unknown instrument sound in the text free refrain. Those are kinda cool.

Great song. I’ve never heard it before. I’m familiar with Sting and Pink but the only marshmallo I’m familiar with is a on a stick, dipped in dark chocolate.

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Heres the original version. Still my favourite. But the techno version is ok.

I wish I could bake me a guy like him, lol. Saw him recently on tv. He got so old. But still gorgious looking and thankfully, ones voice barely ages.

Even more good news for your Müllabfuhr-team: Tonight I hope they will win and put the Turks into the waste bin.

Thanks Holländische Müllabfuhr! You still won‘t win the EM and Koeman will always be famous for his bad manners just like eating his own nose booger.

eww lol guess thats a way of celebrating your team winning

My team? I didn’t even watch any of those games. As long as the DFB thinks he needs to keep islamists in the German team, as long as this isn’t my team. I am glad they lost. I just don"t want the Turks to win. Other than that, I hope for Spain, as they are the best team so far, but I don"t even mind if the English win, as I like Kane a lot. Very nice, decent guy.

whoa, thats sad… there are always people with different ideas and believes in any good team… germany probably wouldnt have become world champion in 2014 without sami khedira and ozil…

strange, you were always supporting your national team, what happened that made you suddenly change your mind?

That is sad. They are still my team, die Fußballnationalmannschaft. I loved their homo anthem in 2014. I still do. Great song. Die Mannschaft should probably wear little pink skirts instead of shorts to be more inclusive, but whatever. I love them. I love Germany. Seriously with no sarcasm. It has its flaws but it is the best country in Europe in my honest opinion.

Khedira isn’t an islamist. I never liked Özil, but only after he left the national team he showed his true, ugly face.

I said it already once here ages ago, I want to be proud about my team and I rather want them to lose instead of winning any title with people in their ranks which don’t deserve respect. And when I said this back then, I addressed a player without migrant background. So don’t make this an issue of race and religion, as they have nothing to do with it.