
They impeached a sitting president for that. FF 24 years and nobody cares less about ethics in government offices. It’s just too sickening.

This is going to be a disaster. Trump is going to crush this guy if he’s not imprisoned first.

I hope so. Biden thinks he is above the law.

I also hope Trump is imprisoned first.

It looks like Cori Bush days are numbered. I liked her for a while. She is getting crushed by a progressive prosecutor. He’s about the same age, is less angry and appeals to more. Her husband is listed as one of her bodyguards, which is an odd move to me. Either, he is getting paid taxpayer to do nothing or he is a bodyguard . If my wife was a congresswoman, I would not be her bodyguard. I’d find it demeaning, not that I find the job demeaning. I would be ok bodyguarding as a job, but protecting a loved on isn’t an occupation. At what point is that a job and not a responsibility. There’s a lot of occupations I wouldn’t do for my wife and that I wouldn’t expect her to do for me.

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This election is going to be a disaster no matter what happens.


You couldn’t have promoted more positive or constructive information, Dan.

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Poor guy should see a psychologist. He would quickly learn he is a victim of spiritual trauma. He was probably told the truth at a tender age that can be easily manipulated as scarring. He probably asked his son to repent, ask forgiveness and receive Christ as his Savior or he would go to Hell because Christ laid down His life for our salvation and if you reject Him before man He will reject you before God. I feel incredibly sorry for him. He probably spent more than four years in college to gain an expensive education and higher intelligence, only to learn that he will die for lack of knowledge.

I’m sure he has seen a psychologist. His childhood sounds awful. He could not do basic math by the age of 19. He and his mom seem pleased they are free of the oathkeeper.

If nothing else, he’ll be a positive activist.

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I feel for this guy, but I don’t know about allowing legislators that can’t do basic math. I actually think we need IQ-like tests for legislators of all kinds, which would immediately eliminate most Republicans from government. Most of them are as dumb as rocks.

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That implies he rejects Christ because of his dad. Now Dan, I realize I haven’t read the background but seriously, there is something wrong with the way he is processing life, spiritually, if that’s the case. Having said that, I was speaking from experience with my daughter so your reply was enlightening as to how she feels about me and I love her dearly. Good talk!

His father was abusive.

I knew if I gave you enough time you would start making sense and that was unexpected. He is facing a tough battle in a deeply red district and he isn’t going to win on sympathy.

You should run for mayor of Vancouver.

What’s this? :point_up:t2: Looks like a pie to me.

Not going to reply? I’ll give you some info, you give me the answer.

Each of those yellow squares are called houses. Each house contains 105 days. Because the Revelation 12 sign has been fulfilled and we are now literally living within the Bible timeframe, you would start at the 6 o’clock mark and count 105 days in each house from the date of September 23, 2017, which is where the apocalypse began, and tell us where we are at. I’d count it for you but I’m terrible at math.

Michele, I have no idea what you’re on about this time, but I think you know by now I don’t believe in these Biblically-based doomsday prophesies that emerge every few years.