Dear Fat People

I do not consider you to be the enemy.

Thatā€™s because Iā€™m not the enemy but I will try harder.

An enemy that tells the truth :thinking:
A truthful enemy :sleeping:
If Iā€™m nice to you, you will do something even worse.
No, I believe I need to stay in this hostile state until I understand the person that beguiles me.

In my troubled mind, that was somewhat therapeutic. Thanks for participating. It was quite amusing. :joy:

You should know me. I am completely selfless. I always have been. Even in a silly made up fantasy, you cum-cummed.
In your troubled mind, I reek of napalm in the morning. And that is disturbing.
Have you ever been diagnosed with a mental disorder?

Now I grow tired of you.

I bet you do

Donā€™t you like the intercourse?

I do understand how you feel

When you were on top, I grew tired quickly. I find this to be a nice balance. Iā€™m really not sure why you are growing tired of me. You started this when you were amusing yourself with my vagina.
Perhaps you just need time to reflect.

Beguiles. Interesting word. Thanks. Has a negative connotation. Deception, trickery, etc. Why, that hurts my feelings. If thatā€™s how you feel then I canā€™t blame you for maintaining a hostile posture and an acidic vagina. Now I know how long those days as a Walmart Greeter can be. On your feet all that time. I would be crabby too. But I thought we were friends and could have intercourse from time to time. Hope you feel better soon.

Yeah, I was faking it!

Donā€™t feel bad for me. I know you have tried to help me, Frienima. Its just that your intercourse is somewhat prosaic. But I like you and I donā€™t want you to blame yourself for not measuring up. I am certain the issue is mine.

I agree.


As far as Iā€™m concerned, this exercise is over. I have never found pleasure in the humiliation of another person and you shouldnā€™t either.
I would like to know what your thoughts of these last few days have been. Not of me, but of the hateful things we have said to each other.

Donā€™t presume to tell me what I should or shouldnā€™t be. You were duly warned to use the dictionary more than once but chose not to. Then Reg finally posted the definition. You are not pure in this exercise.

For me it was sport. And to a certain extent I think it was for you too. I am here for my amusement. What better foil than a woman trumpster church lady?

I wasnā€™t telling you what to be. I was telling you how I feel about partaking in the humiliation of others and I am well within my rights to tell you that I believe you should not participate in humiliating others either. Otherwise, someone is going to read your words and follow suit. Are you ok with that, because Iā€™m not.

I agree and I am actually thankful for that part because I am all for everything that makes me a better person but donā€™t think this is all about defining words.

Thatā€™s not at all what I wanted to hear but I did want the truth.

I have been humiliated before, Wil. I assure you, I was not entertaining myself.

I suppose I could find the flattery in this but the issue goes deeper for me.
If you were going at me over Trump or church or even acting like a lady, I would be ok. Thatā€™s not the way you play tho. You make it personal and that is not amusing to me because someone, somewhere is going to read your words and follow suit. When they do, you remember your words, in Jesus ā€˜Name and then sit quietly while they show you all they learned from you.

Bill Maher jumps on the fat shaming bandwagon. I approve of fat shaming so this doesnā€™t bother me any. I rarely agree with him and heā€™s not as funny as Nicole Arbour but whatever, heā€™s right on this topic.

Original post in this thread below. This is now four years old and I still agree with it.

I confess I am a fat shamer and proud of it.

Iā€™m not, really. I mean, I donā€™t go around telling fat people theyā€™re fat. They already know that. Having been fat several times in my life, I always knew it. The thing is, I also knew I should lose the weight, and I did. Every single time I gained weight, I lost it again.

The part about this I find so ridiculous is the ā€œfat acceptanceā€ movement. Itā€™s like we should quit doing cancer research and just have ā€œcancer acceptanceā€. How about ā€œcrack cocaine addiction acceptanceā€? I have diabetes and I donā€™t accept it at all. I fight it as hard as I can. Why in the world should we just ā€œacceptā€ being fat instead of fighting it to the end? This doesnā€™t mean I hate fat people any more than I hate cancer patients or diabetics, but itā€™s a medical condition that should be prevented if possible and treated if not.