
It’s not that complicated. Ezekiel 18:19-23

I didn’t realize this case was a little more than negligence. He talked about shooting up the school and his dad bought a gun. No wonder he is being tried separately.

Some parents just don’t have the means and those working 60 hours a week, don’t know their kids are mentally ill and if they do, they probably don’t know what to do. They wouldn’t have money to go to the doctors. Funny that I’m the pro single payer for healthcare and you are the one complaining about them not getting help. Why don’t you support prioritizing instead of spending money on weapons and tackle football?

Good question about the neighbor. I’d have to think about that but I’m going to say no charge. Especially if the neighbor lives alone. It would be difficult to find the gun. The neighbor is also not responsible for the child.

Do you support this? Most gun nuts come back with don’t take away my responsible gun ownership. They should support this.

Because in case you haven’t noticed, we are under an armed invasion at the border. Our national guard is at the border leaving the states vulnerable to attack. Perhaps you should consider arming yourself. According to the Bible, they come through windows.

I support his prosecution if there’s a law against giving a child a gun. If there’s a law defining the age in which a child can own a gun. In this case, I’m against prosecuting the mother for the sons crime. It opens a door to imprisonment for a lot of innocent people.

She wasn’t prosecuted for his crime. She was procecuted because of his crime. Different charges.

15 years is a lot for involuntary manslaughter, but there were 4 victims so maybe that’s why.

Sad case. Lots of lives destroyed forever. Definitely, horrible parenting. This was more than negligence, which I give a pass on. This was stupidity on an unreal level.

But…Some parents just don’t have the means to deal with mental health and those working 60 hours a week, don’t know their kids are mentally ill and if they do, they probably don’t know what to do. They wouldn’t have money to go to the doctors.

Yep. Most of those parents don’t buy a firearm and just leave it out.

They probably can’t afford one.

I know I’m a broken record on this but I support prosecuting Republican gun nuts for failing to act to prevent mass shootings by restricting access to guns. I also support prosecuting the NRA as an accessory to thousands of murders.

It wasn’t left out. It was locked away in case, in a drawer.

Do you support global Sharia Law?

This is untrue. It was left out. I just listened to a NYT podcast on this case. They didn’t even have a gun case. They had a cable lock, the combination was still set to 000, and there is no indication that the lock had ever been used.

EDITED to add: upon hearing that podcast and getting a bit more detail, I am now against her prosecution, even though the NYT was trying to frame it as a positive. This idea of blaming someone makes people feel good but it gives the gun lobby and politicians an easy out. “See, it’s not our fault, it’s the parents’ fault.” “We don’t need new laws, we need better parents.” It’s all nonsense.

The USA needs to ban guns, or at least be as unfriendly to them as Canada is. And we are VERY unfriendly to guns.

Apparently, there were guns locked away but not the gun the shooter used or if it was the mother had no clue where the key was or how he was able to gain access to it.

It’s good we can agree here. She’s been found guilty and this case is closed, imo.

So I’ve noticed. :frowning:

You too agree and your reasons could not be more opposite, lol.

And two, my reason makes sense.

I’m so ready to learn and it is high time the secrets are revealed in how the wealthy have hidden their cri…I mean assets.

The Vietnam Communist Party has engaged in a campaign to allegedly fight corruption called “Blazing Furnace” where they have found some woman guilty of fraud, sentencing her to death for drawing down 93% of the gross domestic product in that country.

I’m against the death penalty, but if I wasn’t I would support it. Ruined more lives than some on death row.

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My attitude towards the death penalty has evolved. I am against it. I have always been against it. I just don’t really care when most of these people get killed. I feel nothing. If anything, I just wish they had been killed before their crimes.

Still, I have to admit that almost all places that do the death penalty are less nice than developed countries that don’t do it. Results are everything.

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Makes sense to me. Does that mean you would support death for this woman for the crime of fraud or you would support the death penalty for anyone for any crime or…and how does the death penalty ruin more lives than what a criminal has done?

You wish people would die before they break the law, even though every living soul breaks the law and usually in adolescence?

You mean like in Canada where a citizen will have their assets frozen if they resist nefarious government schemes?

I support the death penalty for murder. Murderers deserve to die for failing to show mercy to their victims. That woman doesn’t deserve to die over fraud but she’s facing a merciless communist party ruling.

Yes, obviously. Anyone sane would prefer that. If someone goes and rapes and murders 10 children and then gets put to death 30 years later, wouldn’t you rather he had just been shot before he raped and killed the 10 kids?


Michele, your country has frozen the assets of thousands of Russians, Iranians and others, after having committed no crimes at all, simply for being of a certain nationality. Just because you call them “sanctions” doesn’t mean it’s not theft. We “sanctioned” the truck protesters. I’m fine with it.

PS: We gave them their money back. When is your nation going to do the same?