It isn’t punishment. It is pre-emptive murder. Your country does it all the time. If you could have murdered Hitler on January 29, 1933, wouldn’t you have done it? I would have.
But no one died, Dan. How can you justify taking her life when no one died? Or how can you justify keeping a murderer in prison forever while supporting death for fraud?
No, but you did say if you were for the death penalty she deserved it because she ruined so many lives.
A U.S. ambassador secretly aids Cuba and receives 15 years. I find his actions more detrimental to a larger number of Americans. That woman was convicted of fraud against a bunch of Communist bankers.
Apparently, his actions don’t matter enough to be listed. That they are illegal and could potentially put Americans in harms way should be enough. I’m okay with that.
The only thing I dislike about this conviction is that the investigation doesn’t tell us who put the live round in the chamber.
This was an interesting read but I believe it only made big news because it was a journalist who died. Had it been a convenience store checker it wouldn’t have been shared beyond local news stations.
Because the victim was an heroic college educated journalist, media attention surrounding this case has been elevated and journalists around the country have shared the story.
That guy is a nut but I understand the grounds on which it was overturned. A deal is a deal. Once you’ve made a deal, you can’t go back and renegotiate the deal.
I wouldn’t know anything about that since there was no article attached to the clip. Did he make a deal with the prosecution or his criminal buddies? Was it with the nod of his oversized head or with his shifty eyes? More details, please, as I haven’t read enough about it, yet.
I vaguely remember when she was prosecuted and how much I hated her for what she did. Reflecting on this article, I am reminded that our justice system is as deeply flawed as I thought she was but not as easily dismissed as the system dismissed her.
Glad he admitted his lie and hope he ponies up the money he says he will. What a stupid thing to do . The Bible forbids lying. Arlene at Save On a cashier there does the nazi salute says it is the Hitler salute while at work she also pointed at a male coworker and called him an idiot. Hope BC location. They should fire her. Claudia Macpherson aka Tina at the Hope Public Library teaches children the Hitler salute at work. The Mayor of the town Victor A Smith and the FVRL library board refuse to address the issue by email or in person. Seen a NuCartage driver yellow truck old White guy do a Hitler salute right across the parking lot of the 7-11 Centrex in Hope right across from the RCMP station but that was 13 months ago. Victory for Israel but Trump and his ethic cleanse of GAZA what a stupid idea even Egypt doesn’t want that 26 miles of poverty. Glad Canada and all the nations I have heard of from
in Europe have said no to that idea. I note the recent death of Michael Molystyn (so) B’nai Brith of Canada. Like that the Tory party leader posted about it on his Linked In. Approve 100% the Conservative Party policy on Israel. Canada wants an election now!