
The left is rising in Sudamerica. First Chile elects a leftist, and now Colombia is well on its way to electing one. Congressional elections were yesterday. Isa volunteered at the Colombian consulate in Vancouver where over a thousand Colombians voted. I had no idea there were even a thousand Colombians here.

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maybe they didn’t cover that in the course you took high in the andes
you know the one
where you got insight into colUmbia that no one else has
i can find the quote

how many times can reggie type he lived in a tiny remote village in the high andes?
i don’t know
but a simple search will reveal 27 so far
he isn’t done yet, i’m sure
unless he is dead

mosquera columbia population 82,750
tiny village?

I encourage the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights to go jump in a lake. This was a great raid. I hope many more similar raids will follow. These scumbags blow up young girls taking a piss in mall washrooms. I was thrilled to see a few of them blown up in return.

The Russia-Ukraine war provides an opportunity for reggie to click

To prevent a repeat of the devastation in Ukraine, we need to think long-term, which means UNSC reform.

there is a particular light that i think painters might value in the maine sky this evening
and photographers

and me

it’s funny
i seal oak and maple that’s going into my mouth with walnut oil
you can google the properties of walnut oil at your grocery store
yet i haven’t built a pipe from walnut wood
look on my apostrophes and weep

Colombia just elected a leftist. This should be fun.

I hope nobody died here but I’m sure 1 probably did.

I hope plenty of these sadists died. Bullfighting is torture and I always cheer for the bull.

That is a very sadist thing to say.

Colombia’s new president is now mending the rift with Venezuela. This should make the CIA cringe.

Why? Will they have to go back to work protecting smugglers and traffickers from border patrol?

This makes no sense to me. Allow cartels to destroy tens of thousands of children with crack cocaine because you’re afraid to endanger a few kids unfortunate enough to be near those scumbags.

Serious stuff. “Spanish prosecutors want to jail the superstar for eight years and fine her €23.8m if she is found guilty.” I don’t care at all. If she did it, let her go to jail.

Is that why boris becker is in jail?

He either didn’t learn his lesson or didn’t care after the first prosecution, which played a significant role in the decision to sentence him to jail.

I agree with this. She can afford to buy her way out of it. She’s obviously bored and in need of some drama.

I remember gunda thought becker had ugly legs.

…among other things.