Qué milagro!
Fernando Botero has died. A sad day for Colombia. His work, which is found everywhere in Colombia, has helped shape my memories of so many places and events. I never knew him, but I will miss him.
He might be the most talented artist of the last 100 years. He was an amazing painter and sculptor. They really aren’t that alike. I like Dali, Parkes, and George Grie. They are all over the house. I’ve never seen any of their sculptures. I don’t think there are any. He was amazing.
Some English-language Greek website just used my photo, which itself isn’t particularly interesting, but the article they used it in is quite interesting.
nice, congrats you are famous in greece now! lol
Oh, my photos have appeared all over the place. Here are a few.
Tengo respeto.
They banned it. Then for whatever unimaginable reason, they re-legalized it. Now it’s banned again, thank God.
May be going to war with Venezuela. Maduro is actually daring them to invade. He is also asking Brazil for help to invade Puerto Rico and liberate it from the U.S.
It seems ridiculous. Remember Invasion USA? It wasn’t as bleak as Red Dawn. Chuck Norris made a lot of good action movies. But SA seemed to surprise people. They always get small boats and subs for smuggling people and drugs landed on the beaches.
Maybe he thinks he has enough pull with BRICS now. Reg, you should have foreseen that.
SA might consider their illegal criminal migrants as the successful first wave.
Wonder how SA will divy up in this issue.
I’m wondering if Maduro met with “Fat Leonard” during his time in Venezuela after his escape and eventual capture. Big ego and fraud.
This fuss is all because a former president (Uribe) suggested that Colombia should invade Venezuela a few days ago. While I think Venezuela would be better off if it was invaded and conquered by Colombia, the price of such a war would be high. Even though Colombia would surely win in the end, I consider the idea foolish.
Colombia cost the US a lot on the war on drugs. Kind of one sided too.
A devastating war between both countries would give the United States opportunity to assert control and dominance against the corruption source spreading to it.
Make it easier and less cost and risk to the United States. More ideal.
Mark, the US is the corruption source. Google the role the US played in Afghanistan supporting the heroin industry because they wanted to maintain alliances with warlords. Only now that the US is gone and the Taliban are in power has the heroin industry been destroyed.
In a 2023 report, poppy cultivation in southern Afghanistan was reduced by over 80% as a result of Taliban campaigns to stop its use toward Opium. This included a 99% reduction of Opium growth in the Helmand Province.[47] In November 2023, a U.N report showed that in the entirety of Afghanistan, poppy cultivation dropped by over 95%, removing it from its place as being the world’s largest opium producer.[10][11]
No. Rejected.
Colombia has to go to war to prove itself worthy of any respect. Venezuela is roughly an even matched opponent.
Both countries need to adjust populations for mass US deportations.
More specifically, the C. I. A. is the corruption source.
Are you sure they weren’t after drugs they could sell to the Mafia? What did the warlords offer that the C.I.A. wanted?
Makes me wonder what country the U.S. has gone to and who they are going to terrorize next.
I’m not sure at all they weren’t after drugs. That might be why they wanted alliances with warlords. I do know it took the US leaving for the opium trade to end.
When your wife finally figures out what you have been using her for and tells some friends back home, I wouldn’t be surprised if they find you knifed and robbed in some ally your next visit to Colombia. I wouldn’t go.
Safe travels and good luck with that one.
I just booked El Salvador and Montréal. Colombia later this year.