
These two principles contradict one another. So in principle, you support the destruction of the family unit. That’s what’s wrong with the world. People lie and say in principle I believe such and such but in truth they hate what they stand for. When society pretends the moral choice to kill is acceptable for one gender but unacceptable and even forbidden for another, a lie is conceived. When you pretend, in principle, that you believe it’s okay for a woman to murder her unborn baby but believe it’s wrong for a man to murder his cheating wife, you lie to yourself. If you support destruction of the family unit, you should fly your freak flag a little higher and declare your undying support for death of the unborn.

I’m sorry. I just can’t get off this subject. If you truly, in principle, support abortion, why don’t you share how beneficial it is to the family unit. Share what’s great about it, besides that it dissolves all responsibility to another life, which is bound to be good for the family unit, right? I mean, defend your view with purpose of conviction and convince the world why female contributors to society should be allowed to break Gods 5th Commandment while men should not be allowed to murder, if that is, in principle, what you believe. You do have a great deal of influence in the world, Reg.

Michele, I did.

Yes, I can see you did.

Which is it?

It is both. It leads to the destruction of the family unit as we once knew it and I support that.

My reasons were posted clearly.

That’s not true. You belief matters. Which ever that is. Who knows.

Hahahahaha! You support the destruction of family and you hate it. LOLOLOLOL. That is the most contradictory view I have ever read.

In principle, you are attacking yourself lololololol

You are easily amused. I hate change like most, but change is coming. The human race in a few centuries will be unrecognizable.

Really? It looks like murder is evolving to include more and more countries.

Simplistic notions like “murder” will not survive this change.

In principle, that isn’t true. Chance can be destructive so I can see how you support it.

What is abortion if not murder?

I support not fighting change. It’s like those medical ethics people who want us to sweat over the future consequences of things like genetic engineering and reprogramming. It’s a waste of time. Some other country will do it if we don’t. Change will come. It is pointless to fight it. The family unit is dead. You can bemoan it and try to bring it back from the dead all you want. It’s gone.

The only thing dead is the functioning part of your brain.

what is murder to one is to another contraception; a way to prevent an unwanted child and someone that doesnt want to be a parent to have to live horrible lives

Romania under Ceausescu created a dystopian horror of overcrowded, filthy orphanages, and thousands died from back-alley abortions.

That’s their choice. We aren’t talking about them. We are talking about Reg and his double-sided view.
