
lol yes its all in the wording but no cant admit to that since it matters to me how religion would be removed

lol no, i wish nobody death

You either give to charity or not. Any person who claims to be Christian and doth not give 10% is a hypocrite and not going to Heaven or Paradise. Is anyone on the planet trying to impress you? Your daughter sure isn’t . 18.9% is an indictment of Canada as it has been going down over the years as homelessness increases.

Here I can‘t resist, lol. I wish mankind wouldn‘t have come up with that idea of religions at first place or at least not justified injustice, oppression with their God(s) and, like Islam, even murder for mere leaving their cult. But as it‘s there, the abolishment is not possible without heavy oppression either. It‘s also not their imagination of God(s) I have a problem with, but only if they justify injustice and oppression with their idols. And this I wish for my country to get rid off.

I am not impressed either, but I note that’s only the number that claim charitable donations on their tax return. A huge number of Canadians (including me) give to charity without claiming deductions. Many charitable groups can’t issue Canadian tax receipts. And a lot of us just like to hand a $20 bill to beggars now and then, which is also not deductible. I don’t know what percentage of Canadians give to charity including those who don’t claim it, but it’s much higher than the roughly 20% who claim it.

You can do your own charity work or give that to God directly not some church treasurer. See how they spend your money. Also what do you expect with the tithe and offering? Something from The Wizard of Oz?

Depends on your relationship. Christians always talk about relationship and not religion. Just cuts into mine and JC seemed rather upset about clingy overdependence.

You can find petty jealousies and envy anywhere. That doesn’t exempt a Christian church. Don’t rule out greed.

Christian just means “we all mess up, but we confess and are forgiven” to most.


Yeah, it’s just too easy and more like a blowoff than an actual acknowledgement.

Been watching this ad on YouTube about a mass lawsuit coming together from Mormon Church sex abuse victims. Have you seen it?

That’s wish-washy.

You sound like a Bible expert. Where does it say

No. can even muster the desire to impress myself but I bet you impress yourself, daily.

She doesn’t have to impress her. I love her the way she is, unimpressed.

That’s terrible, GregCarr. 81.1% of the population in Canada is going to Hell. Can’t you shame them into submission?

Justify injustice? Oppression with idols?

That is in complete contradiction to His Word.

It does not. Christian simply means follower of Christ. His Word says confess and be forgiven.

That’s really nice, Reg. Do you do a lot of charity work?

lol just stating i would be fine with everyone getting educated and seeing the light and deciding for themselves to renounce religion but iam not fine with trying to force them or performing lobotomies on all religious people or killing them

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Nice switch from the opinion you used to have, which I remember you saying was the cause of all wars.

there was no switch
not all, just most wars

Not really. I usually give money directly to poor people by putting cash in their hands, eliminating the middleman. I also give to a local cat-shelter. I volunteer at a fire hall and a bit at a local school, and I do a lot of work for several local emergency groups focused on making sure we can communicate when disaster strikes. I probably do more than most but many others do far more than I do.

I also give less than 10% of my income so I will probably go to Hell.

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This guy wouldn’t send 5 dollars to change his luck. And then flaunts how he gives to others freely.
You’re sick dude. Be that way on others you give money too, not me.

Do you’re mealtime choking, fainting while driving, seizure on the ham radio, and diabetic blackouts while watching the screen on them.

And your can’t fart or get hard problem. Park it somewhere else sick one.

Keep your 5 bucks and that bum ticker.

Stupid egocentric. You are 2 states out of gallop.

You are really going to start to get the cold shoulder from everyone and everywhere.

The Gospel 101 teaches that your good works are equivalent to a used tampon, Reg. You can’t earn your way into Heaven, no one can. Salvation is a free gift based on grace which comes through love of the truth, therein lies YOUR problem, Reg.

(Ephesians 2:8) For by grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God:
(Ephesians 2:9) Not of works, lest any man should boast.

That is just the tip of the iceberg… lettuce :leafy_green: we are nibbling on here Tychicus.

This is guy is actually actively working to destroy souls whither he realizes it or not. It just takes a little ego and little insult.

I’ll reveal to you just how disgusting and deep this is.