True. I also give money and more rarely food to poor and homeless on the street. Trump famously ran a lame ass charity claimed to be donating millions to it when he wasn’t and it was ordered closed by the state of NY. But the fact the % of ppl giving donations to registered charities is going down steadily over the years is bad. Union Gospel Mission and Quest and Mustard Seed and Surrey Food Bank and Hope Food Bank and BCSS and BC Cancer Agency and Mission Possible are all good charities to donate to.
No but lawsuits against the JW’s and Catholics and some synagogues and the Boy Scouts are well documented plus many teachers.
What do you do at the fire hall? Do you know the Murphy twins? They used to live on Pinewell and became Surrey fire fighters.
The guy drives all the time you malignant fatso,
The Bible rule to tithe is a litmus test.
I help to manage the emergency radio room there. It never gets used except for practice or the apocalypse, and we haven’t yet had an apocalypse. It was a disaster when I first encountered it a couple of years ago and I made it my personal pet project to revitalize it. It’s now one of the best radio rooms in the Lower Mainland, and I make sure it’s always perfect.
I don’t know those two fire fighters. They could be anywhere in Surrey. I really like the ones I’ve met, though. Good people. I took this photo in the middle of the night during a crazy exercise where they climb that giant ladder all the way to the top.
Well, if we put our faith in GregCarr, for certain we have no chance of going to Heaven but then, neither does he.
I’m no hypocrite (at least not in my own eyes) as GC has so affectionately branded me. But I will keep the info close to me, perhaps in a compartment with all the other 2920 negative words that make up who I am.
I give nothing to any charity and I never will again. If I do give money ever again, it will be into the hands of the one who actually needs it.
That’s giving to charity.
I hope it has dawned on you that you can be fired even from a volunteer position. You claim you “brought life” to some dead space, but anybody could have easily done the same. Remember all you are now is an airway obstruction. Open mouth no sound comes out. They could easily find one of your offensive posts and use it as an excuse to fire you. It would be the easiest thing to do to scapegoat you, but you are the source of the problem.
This is in a Christian topic. You are bringing Al-kuhul the flesh wasting spirit as the biblical authority. Constantly proclaiming your lack of need, not ever knowing, and absolutely independence from Jesus Christ. Because of the way you manage your body mass you place extra demand of flesh wasting. Your radio club will be aching in their bones and atrophying with pain to the slightest touch shaky hands and difficulty to even get up from a chair or walk.
All your “fat people” comments to those fighting this flesh wasting spirit you glorify and quote scripture too add hurt upon the constant distress.
You can do no good. You might even find everything of yours in a box and set outside with a police escort waiting for you to take you off the property and give you a future trespass warning.
You like to hit on bad luck and bottom out luck. That’s what you get from now on.
Don’t forget you reported a police officer and that officer probably got a write up on his record. I’m sure he or she knows who you are as a few others as well.
Cold shoulder everywhere you go. I’m not a resource for any of your interactions or acquaintances.
The way you manage your weight is disgusting. It’s too hard for people to acknowledge you are doing something like that to them. Nobody has that kind of mind.
Do you remember Bill with his kolonopins? Those are used for epilepsy. Mohammed was theorized by many scholars of being prone to epileptic fits and seizures. Maybe Bill had some “fat people” in his family but he knew enough to prevent you from getting a foothold.
Also your " healthy veggies’ like your one of the trio of Shadrach, Meshach and Abed Nego. Everybody knows of your ulcered and diabetic indulgences of wine. You get so stupid and vulgar when you go under and impotent.
Do you think people marvel at your eating chewing with some powerful jaw showing how the strong eat well? Maybe you see yourself like some “hungry like the wolf” lover bringing your keen sense of smell and vision near a woman’s breasts or below her waist stating “no smell doesn’t bother me , Reggie declared healthy”
You would be considered delusional when all you want to do is drop that turd in your neck lump there or deposit one through what would be normal copulation.
You just want a depository for body waste you hold too precious. You destroy flesh and intimacy and from that you take pleasure because you can no other way.
You got the vasectomy because even with your poor and substandard emissions, you had the seizures when your body was used by foul spirits.
The Woman and the Dragon
12 A great sign appeared in heaven: a woman clothed with the sun, with the moon under her feet and a crown of twelve stars on her head. 2 She was pregnant and cried out in pain as she was about to give birth. 3 Then another sign appeared in heaven: an enormous red dragon with seven heads and ten horns and seven crowns on its heads. 4 Its tail swept a third of the stars out of the sky and flung them to the earth. The dragon stood in front of the woman who was about to give birth, so that it might devour her child the moment he was born.
It’s easy to crush you with demonic forces since you have given yourself to them even stupid convincing yourself you are now the “prince of power of air” with your purchased radios that have little more function with you as the operator as a next bedroom infant in the crib monitoring system. You also believe that you have obliterated the actual existence of Christ and by not knowing you have proof of not existing as neither man or God.
You have been stupidly killed into believing through your sound scriptural arguments you are even more so worthy and powerful and actually Al-kuhul.
You are really arrogant and very very stupid. You also express homosexual lust every time you get drunk and soft.
But instead how about with prophecy? Faith comes by hearing. The only speech that should be free is that of the grand commission, which you don’t deliver. So the hearing and understanding of those you have been teaching will be no more. They will ask over and over again for you to explain claiming they do not understand or could not hear. Because all they have is your understanding which is not much at all. You will find it harder and harder to even comprehend what you are talking about or trying to explain and even what you have just said.
You will abandon company and audiences abruptly for fear of seizures or uncontrollable screaming fits of fear and shame.
The first thing people will sense from you is the their own difficulty breathing and airway obstruction along with the feeling of a body mass with so mach fat percentage and organ non function it seems to draw everyone’s life to maintain.
They will experience a choking episode as if you tried to swallow food for them and a drop in consciousness and short blackout they will link to your health and diabetes and wine. People will politely excuse themselves from you to hide their revulsion and disgust.
Not good at all is I won’t accept any money from you now. Watch how others will turn their noses up at it, even the homeless. Money will also begin to flow for others here including myself.
All you have wasn’t yours to begin with, it can and will be taken away by those chosen and more worthy.
You reported a police officer Reg? What is the story on that?
I honestly don’t remember any such thing. I think this is more of Mark’s mental illness. It’s possible I forgot, though. My memory isn’t as good as it once was.
Just be aware of this dynamic: every time I share anything here, even something trivial like my fire hall volunteering, Mark has a meltdown. See the 3000 words above for an example.
Yes I noticed that. I know you have never complained about a police officer to me.
One swerved into his lane. You can hear him “is that a cop, is that a cop? that was a cop!” He sounds like a chicken.
Oh that. Yes, some cop drove on the wrong side of the road and I was mad about that. I don’t remember filing a complaint.
lol were you the one screaming or saying what the fuck?
That was pretty dramatic!