
Maybe next time the scientists find a name tag beside some bones.

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lol or a note from some god, either would be handy

ChatGPT: No, the theory of evolution does not mean that at some point a Dutch person mated with a monkey.

Humans and modern monkeys share a common ancestor that lived millions of years ago. Over time, this ancestor’s descendants evolved into different species through natural selection. Humans and chimpanzees, for example, share about 98-99% of their DNA and split from a common ancestor roughly 6-7 million years ago. Monkeys (such as baboons or macaques) share an even older ancestor with humans, dating back tens of millions of years.

Evolution works through gradual genetic changes over many generations, not through sudden crossbreeding between species that are already distinct. So no, humans did not come from a Dutch person mating with a monkey—rather, humans and monkeys evolved separately from a common ancestor.

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lol objection, there is no proof that didnt happen!


The religion was started in Israel and there were no White people there. The 12 Apostles were at best working class doing decent except Matthew who apparently had money. The Bible says to give 10% to charity or church but few ppl who self describe as Christian do that.

why do you think that, only because your bible tells you so?

For what? To start a fire with?

How do you know so much about all that? Are you like the Treasurer at your church or did God spiritually reveal it to you?

lol thats your initial reaction to a note from your god?
guess i shouldnt be surprised, if your jesus would somehow land in usa today… he would be shipped off to guantanamo bay :wink:

No, that’s my theory on your initial reaction to a note from God.

Jesus wouldn’t illegally cross the Mexican border or pass through Chinese owned land in the Caribbean to enter America illegally in Florida either.

lol your theory is that a curious pacifist’s initial reaction to a note from your god would be to burn it?!

lol you think before appearing there he would apply for citizenship or send trump a message first asking if he could visit?

Oh, you mean you no longer wish to remove all signs of religion from the earth?


i never did, why would i take away toys from needy kids?
i personally would prefer for all kids to play with safe toys in a safe environment, but thats up to their parents

lol impressive, your imagination is bigger than mine!

I follow the Bible.

The CRA stats show only 18.9 % of Canadians give to registered charities. The % of ppl who claim to be Christian is far higher.

Just look up tithing in the Bible. A simple Google.

Oh, yes you did. You’ve said on more than one occasion that the world would be a better place if religion did not exist.(paraphrasing)

You mean the scripture where God says to tithe and watch windows open? Okay, I did that. Now what?

Should I be impressed by that? What’s your point? GregCarr I am never impressed by hearing about one’s donation to charity. If you are impressed by the fact that 18.9% of Canadians give to charity, it must not take much to impress you. Have you ever investigated where that alleged charity money goes and how much if it actually goes to the cause it supports?

lol no i did not
yes i believe the world would indeed be a much better place without religion
its not the same as “wish to remove all signs of religion from earth”, i probably have mentioned wanting to remove all churches too lol but i never mentioned wanting to remove crucifixes or those silly caps jews wear on their head or burkas etc etc
just because i personally think something would be better, doesnt mean i think it will ever happen or that i would ever try to establish that

for example: i also believe the world would be a much better place without humans, doesnt mean i wish to buy some american weapons or wish to try to kill as many people as i could…

Oh, so it was my wording and you admit, you would like all religion to be removed from the earth. Correct?

No, I get it. You just wish all humans would die so your world would be better place.