
Boring so dull and boring.
I’m going to have to hit you with a quintuple shot espresso if you freeze up again.

Boring post but then so was my post and really, probably all posts.

shame nobody took another look and told me i was wrong stating that you would still probably win… its a dead trap, if you take that rook you lost lol

oh well, perhaps next time :wink:

Feeling guilty because I pointed out that you’ve been doing nothing but heckling lately? Good. This is an improvement. First productive, non-insulting, non-heckling post from you in memory. I hope you keep doing it.

lol i always do what i think is right so i dont feel any quilt about anything ever, my dutch brother

lol i always do, did you forget who encouraged you to tell those nice hooker stories? :wink:

True, but that was asking me to be productive. This time you actually posted something useful and interesting.

lol what is useful and interesting to one is being cocky to another

Pretty. I doubt I would’ve seen it in a game, but on FB it’s pretty. White sacrifices queen and rook to win in 4.

Yes I see the progression.

What a pretty move.

Sliding up to a board with jaw alignment has consequences when seeking perfection. Try getting in food and drinking

Board space between a cervical vertebrae to be head higher than others. Air of superiority and intimidation with similar thoracic and lumbar.
It’s a trade off. Lack of connection and disassociation from reality give people a false perspective.

You are representing yourself as mental crushing power as most others do that are just being crushed beyond capacity. Spilling over a chess board isn’t very entertaining.

Mark, I’m pasting other people’s moves and admiring them. I did not create these.

Omg, this is so pretty. I would never have seen it in a game.

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Gukesh just played this pretty move at Tata.

He’s up to #3 in the world.

He looks confident like sitting on a box of diapers. Reggie do you agree he is the champion in continent?

This took me awhile. lol.

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Don’t spam those stupid one line board layouts.

It’s a chess thread, Mark. lol.