
Yes, Nico, you’re so great at chess. We all admire you so much.

lol not me, i could never reach silky’s or your level :wink:

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Locked out? Greedy regulars? What are you talking about, Mark?

I searched. There is no “aficionados” thread.

I was on level 19. These get increasingly complex with more pieces and crowding and often need undoing and redoing. I had believed there was only one unique solution and only one unique moveset.
It’s not all I got.
I’m faster than you at it. And I know how to end a game with a blocked king.
But not that’s not all I got.

I asked you not to refer to me as that. Stop trying to live in the past and hold people there.

everyone should live their own life in the way they want

only you can hold yourself back in the past, silky :wink:

Lifetime impotent suits you just fine. Pupae. Chrysalis. Cocoon.

You need a pair of scissors :scissors:.

You were always meant to be a butterfly.

Actually I was in a few rooms at different establishments but not like your choice of palavra.

Congrats Reg. You have won the chess trivia. I will go the entire day tomorrow without saying anything negative about any of your posts.


You know it’s a problem playing someone chess :chess_pawn: of another race in jail? Seriously, I don’t know why, no betting of ramen noodles or meds or candy bars. But it was a serious problem for some people.

Maybe an s/o issue I don’t know.

lol its not a chess puzzle but its a start, congratulations!

We can’t all be grandmasters like you, Nico.

lol iam not you, reg… i would never boast about anything or claim to be of any importance in the chess world or anywhere else

More intellectual dishonesty, Nico. Heckling people from the sidelines implies you think you’re better than they are. You heckle others constantly, your proclamations about your great prowess solving chess problems being just one of many examples.

And yet you never actually solve chess problems. You just tell us constantly how good you are at it.

no, it doesnt imply that at all lol especially not since i have stated many times that i believe all people are equal

i never proclaimed that, i just state (what i consider to be a fact since it was proven in this topic) that iam better at it than you lol

i did, just look back in this topic

I don’t need to look back. You prove yourself to be a POS every day here. :slight_smile:

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thats another discussion :wink:

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Bad move! I missed the right move.

So boring and done over and over and over.
Everything about you is 2d.

at least you would still probably win that, just not immediately like with qa4 lol