I have even seen this site name for bare knuckle boxing
I don’t want to sell BBAD, Mark. I like it. We’ve used it for 20 years now (this year). I hope to live at least another 10 to 20 years so we might just do that again.
It’s no benefit to me as well as any friendship/relationship here. You can’t attract anyone new. All the ones you hoped would return feel too locked out by the greedy regulars. The former devoted only come in a few times a year if any.
I don’t need to fit your stupid prosthetic. I have worn a leather duty belt , weight lifting belts etc. they make in larger sizes. I don’t need to lose weight for your attachment. All of those things smell like a piece of excrement is in the center coated over by latex.
Quit thinking of me like that. Weight loss is no accomplishment if all your left with is s dangling turd
I do not need to be you. You can’t be me.
This is difficult to upload and the king moves fast automatically when unblocked.
Mark, 192.168.x.x is a private network subnet that isn’t routed on the internet.
It’s my Nintendo Switch.
I understand. What I’m trying to tell you is that your device is only available on your local network. It’s not available to others over the Internet. None of the rest of us can see it.
What I’m trying to tell you is that it is my authentic upload from device.
I need to upload a short .mp4 all clips 30s or less. I can try screen shots but the king moves too fast to show path of travel.
Best to upload them as unlisted to Youtube, then paste the Youtube links here.
It’s obvious the kings move and you can see I barely caught it as a blur by screenshots. I can do retro 30s screen captures. I don’t do YouTube
Those images have no meaning to me.
I am having to generate QR codes to use my phone to connect them access and then it’s extra difficult to save these images on downloads or transfer to photos which they just can’t be found.
The King cannot be moved and only moves when there is a a free path it moves on its own and it is extremely fast. I happened to catch it on these shots. Notice it change from red to green.
Lack of color leads to retarding of emotional development.
Mark, please don’t post hundreds of these images. It means nothing. It’s just spam.
I played an AI chess game and 10 out of 10 results for me were blocked king. This was regular chess.
This is still chess to me. Your stuck on a 2 dimensional level. You look 2 dimensional. Like you have been impossibly flattened. Your 3d person looks like somebody with an older box television on their head.
This game is to simply unlock the king. The energy you are sensing has well sensed you. I suggest you tread carefully.
you reached level 2, nice job!
try to be nice to reg, he isnt good at solving chess puzzles