
There are 2000 unsold 2022 jeeps. Jeeps that were brand new in 2022 that have not been sold.

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I looked for deals on them. Couldnā€™t find any.

What nonsense! Expecting more from those who have more has nothing to do with business practices. Those who own a business are expected to legally protect themselves from loss. In this case, it was her loss.

Yes, it was her loss, and it was Elon being a cā€“t. Donā€™t worry, Trump is still the biggest cā€“t.

Okay, thatā€™s fair and we actually agree on something. Itā€™s been a while.

Wow! 26%. Glad my car is worth $2100. NH does not require car insurance. The guy I carpool has no insurance, which sounds crazy to me, but he has saved about $12000 over the last 10 years. Maybe higher. He is 29, so Iā€™m sure it would have been high 10 years ago.

No insurance is foolish. One accident could bankrupt him.

If itā€™s his fault for sure. If my car is worth $2100, his is worth $2000.

When I rent cars, I always buy the loss-or-damage coverage. I am a careful driver and I never have accidents, but I am human and make mistakes, and I donā€™t want one of those mistakes to cost me $100k or more. Iā€™d rather overpay by $30/day now.

Similarly, I would never drive a car without insurance. Letā€™s say I get distracted and I kill a young man with a few kids. Iā€™m on the hook for millions.

I would rather err on the side of caution. I also support mandatory insurance as, if your guy kills someone, the odds are low that he will have enough money available to pay off his liability.

Iā€™m assuming that my insurance is higher because we have so many uninsured. I drive very carefully. I have no choice with so little power. I do worry someone will hit me that has no insurance.

Does that mean with more power you would probably be more reckless?

No. It means if it is a 50/50 situation between accelerating or slowing down when merging is involved, I have to slow down and generally when Iā€™m merging, if the person behind me is unable to pass me while merging, there is a strong possibility they will cut across 2 lanes of traffic behind me. Iā€™m guessing after driving so passively for almost the last 12 years, I probably wonā€™t be aggressive when I get my next car, but it is guaranteed to be more powerful, so itā€™s not really known until I get one. I would however, not try to pass the car in front of me while merging until on the highway. I have no problem waiting 3 seconds.

Despite all the awful drivers in Massachusetts, no accidents in over 20 years. Connecticut has the worst drivers I have seen. Florida is awful too when Iā€™m there, but it is probably drugs rather than impatience which seems to be Connecticutā€™s problem.

Amen to this. My car is old but quite powerful, and I never pass while merging. Let everyone get on the highway safely and then get into the fast lane and pass. As you said, it takes an extra few seconds. Who cares?

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How is Florida when you leave?

Why do you assume itā€™s drugs?

Itā€™s Florida.

Iā€™m sure itā€™s always awful. Very litte good about the state. Nice weather October to April. Thatā€™s it.

This tire is 10 months old. The first 6 months it was rear. 4 months on driver front. Iā€™m getting an alignment and new tire tomorrow. There is a chance that the body frame is so bad, an alignment will not be easy. If expensive things are going to be needed, Iā€™ll ask for 1 tire and look for a car by May.

Iā€™m looking at a corolla cross hybrid. The likely scenario is I will get one and give it to my wife in 5 years when her car is 13 years old. At that point Iā€™ll get another car. So she will get free cars, after Iā€™ve driven them. It is probably better than having 2 car payments at the same time. I havenā€™t had one in 6 years. I canā€™t believe I had a 6 year loan on the last one.