
Definitely, it would be better to pass than follow it.

We’ve been seeing these test flights for years now. Time for someone to go into production.

Looks like they need to sell a few more mach Es. Maybe we will have to buy Chinese cars.

I’ll save you the click. 827 million 3rd quarter net loss for Ford.

Looks like they are still hiring talented engineers. I wonder where they will get them.

The traffic is worse at 630 AM than it is at 730 AM. It is worse at 330 PM than it is at 430 PM.

Think those 9 to 5ers work from home and in person is now 7 to 330.

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I’ve noticed that here too!

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I don’t really see how they are going to make that happen. They have spent a hundred years creating the perfect pollution producing automobile.

Emissions have already been reduced in modern cars and modern gasoline. Cars are cleaner than they were 25 years ago. They are now full of plastic and computers, so probably worse to make a new car than it used to be, but they run cleaner already.

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European emissions standards are excellent. South American standards are garbage but I am not sure it matters anymore with the shift to electric.

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South America has a black carbon problem, which is a problem in Europe as well. What, besides black carbon, lowers their emissions standards?

Do you think telling people to drive in the correct direction is a good thing? Or is it too much control for you?

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It’s probably not too much control for women. We are used to being told where to go, what to do and when to do it. I doubt it’s a problem for men since they can easily justify it as needed for women.

The 2023 prius is not ugly.

It looks great.


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That car sits entirely too low to the ground but what about the inside?

It looks like a death trap.
I prefer the old muscle cars that eject you when driven improperly.

I agree about sitting close to the ground, actually. I start to understand this whole SUV thing.

I sat low to the ground until 2012. I wonder how I’d adjust.

I like the look of the inside but it seems you are looking up through the windshield.