
It’s taking rivian forever to make trucks. They are at least 2 years behind. These preorders should have arrived and they thought they could get away with upping the price by 20000 dollars due to supply issues and inflation, after telling customers they would have their trucks 2 years ago. They caved. It would have been the end of the company with so many customers backing out.

This stupid company, which has delivered effectively nothing ever, is worth 45 billion dollars vs. GM which is worth 65 billion.

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They made a lot of deals.

I guess Purdue University has been working on electrifying concrete. Or making roads be able to charge cars wirelessly. Concrete seems like a good place to do that.

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i just ate a very sour pickle

Hey Reg. Just so you know the ev6, has no rear wipers. Kia says it doesn’t need them because the top of the car, extends beyond the back of the car. Maybe it has special spoilers. I don’t think that would matter too much, but most engineers are smarter than me when it comes to that stuff. I don’t think it’s a disqualification, but a 40000 dollar car should have rear wipers. They probably think they are ugly. It will probably be the best looking car this year.

That’s stupid. Not a deal breaker but stupid.

Do you think gas guzzlers will become cheaper and hybrids will be more expensive?

Yes, of course. That is already happening.


In Oklahoma, a 3 year old truck is worth more than its original value. Probably due to the lack of new, well-built, gas guzzlers available for our driving experience.

click on a poll
any poll
was your poll the five of clubs?,ISA)%20by%207%20July%202024.

I’m all for it.

I have read an uncomfirmed report that Tesla has canceled the cybertruck.

Ok. It was an april fools joke. Not a funny one.

I totally hate this. I love VW because of its car-of-the-people image. Get close to Benz pricing and I’ll buy a Benz. So many car makers try this and fail.

I thought volkswagen translated to folk’s car. Maybe not though. They already own audi and Porsche. They’ll probably quietly make more audi and Porsche and fewer Volkswagen. At least the guy told the truth.

They also own Lamborghini and Bugatti. I see no reason at all for VW to go upmarket when they already own all these prestige brands.

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Good news for toyota I guess.

And probably China.