Workouts and Training

yes, do try to explain!

What’s your training schedule first?

iam always online so i train 24/7!


nice, silky learned something… good job!

I’m gone

yes for many years, but that doesnt mean you might come back one day

be safe and enjoy your holidays!

Rather the opposite, Nico. Why didn’t you ignore him instead? You are a bully, that‘s all why you are responding to him.

He didn’t say he was gone forever.

Merry Christmas, Mark.

iam a bully for wishing him to enjoy his holidays? strange reasoning

i only ignore someone if they spam or if they ask me or if i think my response would be a negative thing for them or me

edit: is this a jealousy thing? i also think there is a chance you might come back, gunda!

Please no witchcraft.

I’m actually wearing my tight 3x shirts as opposed to 4x newer set I bought for workouts. Having comfortable exercise clothing helps.
Here is the brand I buy from Amazon called real essentials and I got matching shirts for several of the shirts. I buy 1 shirt to 1 shorts. 2x in shorts fits me fine. These don’t look thuggish at all, are super sleek and silk like in fit, and have lasted through several washes and wears
Actor Mario Lopez turned me on to these with an Amazon commercial. I bought 5 shirts for 35 dollars if I remember correctly and shorts about the same. The threading is getting better.
These look more Star Trek than anything.
Real Essentials at Amazon.
If I drop more weight, it doesn’t mean I’ll be sizing all my shirts down to 3x…on the contrary that is not my fitness goal.

Agreed. You goal should be an M, not a 3X.

My goal is better filling out a 4x comfortably and having less stomach profile!in a 3x as I do now. I’ll get some pictures , but people stare at my body quite often especially when working out or doing work. Sky is very gray with dust and I got to head to gym and get on a ton of stuff after that.

I’m already posted a picture at a about 315. That was in the snow snow snow thread which would be nice right now. I’m sure it’s hard times being snowed in your own home and not able to go out, but it’s worse having to evacuate to avoid being burned alive in it.

If I drop weight it’s my decision and my planning and effort not yours. I’m not dropping weight for Holly or Nico or mother or sister or wife. Don’t talk to me as if I am those persons. You want to help their health but your impotent to do anything without with your own health…shown respect first.
You can’t say your me. You can’t work some miracle weight loss and health boost for for anyone and take credit for it.

Michele also made a comment about short legs, I’ll show you in a different outfit. I got 2 inches of height back at least this week.

I don’t see you exhibiting different animal traits and structure.

Btw that’s a 4x shirt. My goal is massing up along with fat loss. I’m trying to keep things under wraps.

I’m sorry about the accumulated fat and unhealthy organs of your family, but I’m not accepting you putting that off on me. Not with your disrespect and lack of acknowledgement.

I should be a size m because of my age. Don’t put that off on me either.

You can’t do size like me either. I’m talk big size, tall, size, small size, short size,.any size narrow or wide.

m does not fit 20+inch arms. I’m already shaved down enough on shoulders in both muscle and bone and that cannot remain the same. I have had a heavyweight 3x tall T-shirt rip just to take it off. Not at the stomach but at the shoulders, neck and arms.

Size isn’t everything…do you think you could beat me in a street fight or even some McDojo?
What about a race? 50 yard dash or 100 yard dash? I’ll wager you 10k I’ll beat you at 300 pounds or more bodyweight.

My size and lifts are down due to boxing. FYI. Doesn’t mean there wasn’t a trade up.

My workouts this week were really a much lower output and capacity. I did perfect some form and and activate more fibers. I foam rolled hard and heavy to restore some range of motion and shape and eliminate pain when I couldn’t hit near the same poundages. Also worked on reverse grip benches with just the Olympic bar and no plates. It still felt super heavy and I did more reps and felt it much more. My chest finally looks a bit more complete after weeks of sunkeness and deformity of muscle shape, also less pec fat.
I look smaller over 300 than I do below it sometimes. Stupid force free fits really kill
It’s like a portrait frame of swords :crossed_swords: with all those height weight charts.

Foam rolling is doing more for range of motion than stretching, which actually reduces it with pain for me often times. I do heavy fiber crushing rolling with different rollers and grid ball, tennis ball and lacrosse ball.

You might want to try it sometime, just crushing in breaking up the fibers in your chest and under the armpit. Use a tennis ball and follow an illustration of the fiber direction. I used to do sessions that caused bruising , but the shoulder relief and improved look more than worth it.
Foam rolling the back ribs easily helps breathing.

Here’s me at 311 looking about 3’11". I know the leg cutoff looks terrible in the frame. Before you force fit another height/weight :window::framed_picture: frame, bear in mind you are projecting your proportions as superior and twice the size. I’m getting squeezed in the most awkward and ugly way at scaled to about half my size.
Try and find a smaller 311. I’m telling you my feet hurt like that’s in kg. Are you suggesting I cut a limb off?
This is just a reference point to where I’m at. Now I’ll talk about how my workouts went and what I ate. Keep in mind perfect EKG no digestive issues such as ulcers and no diabetes.

I had my vitals and measure taken by staff. That’s no shoes.

Time under tension