
your poll is based on a faulty premise.
things in your home with metal are called appliances.
you need to get your terms in order, bucko.

No thats not right at all. We are totally allowed to make assumptions.

I assume itā€™s rigged.

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iā€™m building this difficult shelving unit that fits over the cast iron tub
it has an even dozen screws
but they are made from non-genetically modified soybeans locally grown and sustainably produced in fields where bunnies poop
ignore the magnetic effects
theyā€™re rigged

Go for it.

diy is awesome. donā€™t take it in, keep it in the garage,

needs a thumb

You got it Mr.Potato!

Really? Whatā€™s so awesome about doing anything yourself? DIY is work and you donā€™t seem interesting in working any more than anyone else here.

winter in maine is long
small scraps of wood are plentiful
iā€™m going to build a miniature catapult
as proof of concept for an eventual catapult with an eight foot 2 x 4 arm
they laughed at the wright brothers
i already built a wheel with an axle
i turned it into a revolving restaurant

If the command ā€œlet wood give way to metalā€ is spoken it usually meant something more than puppet swords were required for amusement.

Bill seemed up to his neck in credit card debt he lives by the gladius.

There was a time (mid 70ā€™s) that I was up to my neck too. Finally paid 'em off, chopped 'em up and never went back to credit cards.

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I have no idea who here has credit card debt or not, but I have certainly seen nothing to indicate anyone here has such debt. Why do you conclude such a thing, Mark?

Because Iā€™m not a VCR.

I myself do not have credit card debt. How much credit card debt would you say is bad?

They give a percent usage. It should be under 30% of card max at maximum I think.

Any amount you canā€™t pay off in two lifetimes.

Iā€™m working on a small wine holder for my mom. I stained it the other day and donā€™t really like it. This was before I stained it. It was at least some practice with the jigsaw.


nice lines

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