Another interesting crime video.
Given the word „woman“ in the title and knowing your relationship problems, I thought this is about you and your girlfriend, lol.
I could see it. If I stop posting suddenly, think the worst.
Maybe you need one of those buttons you wear. “Help! I’ve been shot and I can’t get up.”
I’m pretty sure if she decides to kill me, I won’t have a chance to push that button. She has a master’s degree in biology. She could almost certainly kill me ten different ways without anyone suspecting. I wouldn’t put it past her to do it, either.
I thought Cori was going to try to kill me but she never did and we’re still friends, although less close since she turned Muslim.
I definitely thought Gunda was going to try to kill me and we weren’t even a couple.
Only Ferni was never on my mental list of possible assassins. Probably naive on my part.
Anyway, if I die, tell the cops my woman probably did it.
Usually a woman is the first suspect.
Usually a man is the first accuser.
Did Cori have a near death experience? Like Yusuf Islam? I’m always amazed when someone joins a religion so late in life.
Every day with Reg probably felt like a near death experience.
Cori converted to Islam two years after we broke up. I’m not to blame for this one. lol.
With so many women on your list of possible killers and one converting to Islam - and it never occurred to you something is wrong with you, lol? Apropos Cori. It was clear by her behaviour, that she was mentally ill long before she converted. Ferni was just a desperate young pregnant woman. And don‘t worry, I wouldn‘t waste a day in prison because of you. I just would decide to save my dog instead of you, if I had to choose to save only one from drowning.
Are you married yet, Gunda? You must be almost 50 by now. Time’s running out.
Are you married yet? You know that you‘re nearly 60 and men aditionally usually even die earlier than women.
But no, I am not married and contrary to you, I am not having desperately to be with someone I don‘t love, only because you fear times of sickness and to die alone.
I’m 53.
How surprising. Good luck with that.
If he can’t blame it on his woman, it didn’t occur to him.
I found this fascinating and would love to hear the backstory.
Don’t be silly, Gunda. What kind of idiot would do that? lol
Reg took advantage of a pregnant woman? (That’s disgusting, Reg.) I thought she was just passing through and Reg mistook her for a lonely woman. Not true?
Dear Lord, Gunda. Throw me a bone! There are too many variables with Reg’s women.
I suppose one could assume your woman didn’t give your relationship a 50% chance of survival.
I am sorry about your woman problems but at your age, you are probably just suffering from a touch of karma. Good luck with that!
True, but let him without sin cast the first stone.
Ask Ferni if I took advantage of her. We’re still good friends and I am quite sure she will have nothing bad to say about me or our time together, Gunda’s bunny boiling notwithstanding.
Not me. I love her more than I’ve ever loved anyone. It might be wise not to speak of things you know nothing about.