
Modi’s approval rating is 64%. 87% 5 years ago. What a polarizing figure… Anyways, India is a disaster. 2020 is supposed to be a horrible year for their economy so I guess his conservatism hasn’t worked. I’d imagine that approval rating will drop after this year.

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I should say india might have been doomed with or without his policies. I don’t claim to know how to fix that country.

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Every few years India elects hardcore Hindu militants like Modi. I remember Vajpayee a couple of decades ago. Same crap. Odd to see after the mild and intelligent Manmohan Singh who led for a lot of years. India looks like a basket case, though. It will take them much longer to emerge than China, although with roughly 18% of the world’s population and probably 50% of the world’s tech guys, they have some cards to play. It is the world’s fifth-largest economy by GDP and the third-largest by purchasing power parity.

the wildfires in iran will be under control in no time…

I thought it was sad that 500 million animals died but then I read that we eat 250 million animals a day so it didn’t seem too bad after reading that.

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does that number include fish/shrimps? its probably a lot higher

Shrimp? lol. There would be millions.


little yucky stinky sea creatures that people eat…

ah learning all the time:

Blue whales eat mainly krill.

Aw just put them in the stamppot.


Another Amsterdam observation. Nothing is open after sundown so if you think you might be hungry later in the evening you need to think ahead and lay in supplies.

after sundown? thats a bit early lol most restaurants close around midnight?

Could be. That was not my experience.

weird…the kitchens may close a bit earlier but if you insist they will make an exception lol

normal shops do close around 6pm everywhere, unless its thursday thats usually “buy evening”
there are some 24/7 shops but thats rare here

Had some very good hot chocolate there. Winter and rainy, it really was what we needed. That and the hashish.

“Even though people can see the Aboriginese doing the fire control, and could see the benefits, they couldn’t copy it,” he said.

Now, the juxtaposition is clear.

“Where the Aboriginal people are in charge, they’re not having big fires,” Gammage said. “In the south, where white people are in charge, we are having the problems.”

I think the 250 million counts all animals, shrimp included.

Now that I think about it shrimp are unlikely to be caught in a wildfire.

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