meatloaf the food is one word
whose language were you born to?

Apparently, a drunken moron.

some 100 year-old lady who fucked germans to survive the holocaust died
seems vladimir putin (strong man: google: gunda: definition)
knows how to treat a lady
to hell with all that standing up when they enter the room

Joe’s in for a surprise.

thanks reggie
we don’t get twitter here
nice to know we can click on our northern neighbor
i mean count on
count on our northern neighbor
that’s what i really meant to say

when fureners refer to the american president, they should say “the american president”
cuz if you weren’t born here
you can’t see the poetry in the list produced below

when americans refer to the canadian head of state we say
who am i kidding
i never met an american who referred to the canadian head of state
cept maybe little tyke, but i never met him
reggie sure seems to spend a lot of time on my head of state
i must say
i’m glad i never met him
“him” is deliberately unclear
twitter for smart people!
no justice no peace!

I’d be quite surprised if the Supreme Court nominee is not confirmed. Cruz and Graham have been unsuccessful.

It’s not even making big news. Nobody really cares this time.

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The MSM is merely avoiding the SCOTUS nominee coverage to cover up the truth about this twisted woke Liberal activist. …Typical.

Actually I think it has more to do with the fact that this nominee never raped anyone in college.

have you spoken to everybody?

Foo Fighters drummer Taylor Hawkins had opioids, marijuana and other drugs in his system before he died, Colombian investigators say.

A toxicology report showed traces of 10 substances in his body
for those of you keeping score at home
that’s one more than nine

They are still trying to determine the cause of death. They can ask me and give me the medical examiner’s money.


it costs $60,000 per hour of flight time for the F-35
one plane one hour $60,000
freedom don’t come free

the f35 costs $100 million dollars
one plane one zillion dollars
close your own damn sky
close your fucking nazi cunt mouth
buy a couple planes
freedom don’t come free

We’re having a good Biden day. First near-record jobs and now this. I still don’t like Sleepy Joe but he’s had a good day and has done some good things.

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The house just passed a cap on insulin. $35. Another win for the democrats.

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