US Gun Violence and Motive

Do you think if a stranger is on your property and poses no danger that you should be allowed to shoot them?

You did not ask me a question, Michele.

I don’t care what the courts say. These gun nuts (murderers, really) should be thrown in jail for a long time. I’ve always said that if someone doesn’t pose a risk or reoffending, then jail is usually a waste of time. That remains true, but these gun nuts DO pose a huge risk of reoffending. Gun nuts should probably be thrown in jail preemptively, for the good of society.

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I wish I understood your ridiculous quote.

What opinion?

If I think they are a danger, not only should I be allowed, it should be expected.

That’s extreme. Why not just cut access to their guns?

I’d settle for that, but I like the idea of harming them.

You mean like…with a gun?

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100%. We can see here that some think they did nothing wrong. If they think they did nothing wrong as well, they could certainly do it again.

Should the owner of the property be allowed to shoot the defecator?

Looks like they were leaving the driveway. You have to be pretty sick to defend this murder.

Funny how people look at property differently. I never looked at my property that I could do whatever I wanted. I look at is a piece of land on earth that I should be allowed to live on, without authority kicking me out. The whole self defense thing because of personal property is meaningless. If I’m scared for my life, I don’t care where I am or if I’m on my own property or a public property. I think I would act the same.

I believe in the concept of protecting my property. If someone heads to my car with a hammer looking like he’s going to start smashing it, I am going to physically try to stop him. The idea that I can shoot random strangers who approach my car, however, is obviously absurd. Anyone defending this recent string of gun-nut shootings in the US has serious mental issues.

Right. I suppose I’m talking about home property. In the case of your car, it wouldn’t matter if it was in your driveway, your own parking spot, or parked in a lot at the market.

One is private. One is public. I don’t care either way.

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Why? What gives you the right to live on your land if authority needs it?

Not as absurd as the idea that a random stranger can approach your car, shoot you and get away with it.

Michele, don’t try and justify this recent raft of murders with such a ridiculous example. These victims weren’t shooting anyone. They were playing basketball, and driving into the wrong driveway and immediately turning around and leaving. They were totally innocent when gun nuts murdered them.

I’m not defending murderers. I’m defending a persons right to shoot from their own property where they deem necessary.

Some guy deemed it necessary to shoot a young girl who had driven into the wrong driveway and was turning around. Screw his right to shoot.

Looks like gun violence is a lot worse in red states.

Yeah, well….that’s where the guns are. :roll_eyes:

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Exactly. RWNJs keep telling us that if everyone had a gun, there would be no gun violence because the attackers would get killed. That nonsense doesn’t survive even the most casual scrutiny.

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That’s because it’s not up for debate.

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