US Gun Violence and Motive

You’d think I’d be used to this by now. I’m not. I don’t get how any sane American can want this.

Surely the solution is to arm the cheerleaders so they can shoot back, rather than maybe not have guns everywhere which would be sacrilegious.

If they had armed his mother with mifepristone we wouldn’t even be having this debate.

Michele, you’re a right wing nut job. I want to ask you a question. As a right wing nut job, do you feel your right to own and bear arms outweighs the rights of these kids to not be shot by your fellow right wing nut jobs?

My right to bear arms outweighs everything .Even if that burns some, I don’t care. I am never going to apologize for it.

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Ty for the straight answer.

How safe I feel that this man was allowed to buy a gun to protect himself and his property. It is obviously justified to shoot the occasional 6 year old girl so that we can all feel safer.

So far in the last week, people have been shot because…

A basketball rolled into a neighbor’s yard.

A teen drove to the wrong house by accident to pick up his brother and was shot through the window.

A 20 year old was shot because she pulled into the wrong driveway.

2 cheerleaders were shot for accidentally going into the wrong car.

It’s almost like you can’t make a mistake anymore. My wife and I turned around in a driveway today and we lived.

So a few people died, snowflake. These minor inconveniences are necessary to protect the sacred right to bear arms.

ah its one of those mornings… ok ill play along

you finally realised that they were probably dutch transgenders and/or mexican feminists and/or at least homosexuals with tattoos and they deserved to die in the name of your holy father eh?
they need to be cleansed with your guns and knives because the one and only holy truth is that as long as your divine chosen heroes trump, elon and of course yourself survive then the world will be a better place eh?

usa#1!!! usa#1!!! usa#1!!!
amen :wink:

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This is where our focus is, which should be like 54th on the list. Maybe 74th.

Great news! You always seem so uptight.

Such nonsense, but if anyone can justify careless behavior, it’s you.

It will be interesting to see if any of these people will be found guilty of wrongdoing. The only case I see here that could be criminal is the cheerleader case, which wasn’t on private property.

I went to the wrong car the other day and somehow survived, too. We should probably thank God for that. :grimacing:

When will you take up your right to bear arms?

You’re welcome. Wish I could say the same.

There will be no charge for her there. She accidentally got into his driver’s seat. He was in the passenger’s seat. She apologized and went back to her car. He got out of his car went over to the cheerleader’s car and fired. No self defense.

Interesting theory. I would have thought that the driveway and porch are private property and would have a better defense than the public parking lot. I would say they are all indefensible, but I’m surprised you think that the cheerleader suspect has a better defense and it was on public property.

Ok. I just understand your ridiculous quote now. The fact that you have that opinion and are pro gun is scary.

You don’t think there should be criminal charges in the other 2 cases?

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