
I’m required to take a test every 3 weeks. Each time I’m paranoid as people from all over BC come through and AB as well. Always feel like I’m probably carrying it or something and eventually test positive for it lol

I’ve been following these farmers.

Due to Covid in BC, I’ve hosted a wedding in my backyard apposed to hosting a huge event at a hall or church. I didn’t get many pics of me and my boys myself and hopefully get some good ones to you guys once the photographer sends the files. Here’s Sherwin and Clark with myself. Both like I, very social


Looking great, Jonny!

I can’t remember if you knew this already but Will (MyBigMoon) died. His suffering has now ended.

very nice! did you sign them up for a soccer team yet? :wink:

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Thanks, Reg

And no, I didn’t know. Sad to hear

Definitely will when they’re able to. Will be a matter of me dusting off the old cleats as well. I mean buying new ones lol definitely signing Sherwin up for it as my nephew has started last year already, they’re the same age

You have precious babies there Jon. Pity they don’t have a sister. :grimacing:

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this is why you are a teenage girl
you could say his laugh has ended
you could say his heartbeat has ended
you could say he is dead and leave it at that
but you gotta editorialize

to live is to suffer
i even wrote a poem about it
i keep it in my diary
if i ever get a vegan boyfriend who doesn’t want to insert his penis in my vagina, why, i’ll share it with him.
if he doesn’t wanna murder innocent children, of course

If I had a penis, I wouldn’t stick it your vagina knowing your mouth is such an easy fit. Can’t wait to hear your poem.

They do have a sister, she’s very much a brat, very spoiled and thinks she knows everything. Considering when I remind her she’s a child not a teenager as she says, her response being “I know.” It was a mash up of Covid and traditional barriers why I didn’t get a pic with the girls as well. I’ll dig around and upload as soon as I find one

You’re so blessed. She’s going to teach you many awesome things. You’ve already probably learned that you only need 1 inch of bed space. You also don’t need a bathroom and you should plan to surrender that space first. Hahaha! Look forward to new photos.

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I did a new profile photo. First one in two years. Dan inspired me by changing his. I’m holding up ok for 58. I’m hoping to live another 20 to 30 years. We’ll see how that goes for me.


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Who took the photo? Your eyes are too dark. I can barely see them.

Some guy at the radio club. I cut out the background.

It’s a nice photo anyway. Unlike myself, you’re not aging fast at all.

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You look great.

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