
This will be the 7th background check for Kavanaugh. There is not even one factual piece of evidence but the Left continues to demand his crucifixion.

I wonder which one cried real tears :thinking:

I’m guessing this was her college days.

Here’s some factual evidence of inappropriate behavior for you to turn your blind eyes to. I hope you choke on it if the Left does not soon demand accountability for it.

I originally thought they’d just ram this through and the GOP was hoping everyone would just ignore the rapes. I think rapists should be able to work if they are free, but probably not as judges. Seems everyone believes her. Even Republicans. They simply don’t care. He does need a good job. I guess he is in terrible debt, buying baseball tickets.

I tend to agree. I’m leaning towards a no. If I wanted to be reelected in November, I’d vote no.

I know you aren’t talking to me but I’m sorry I just have to ask what rapes you are talking about? And Flake is the only Republican that comes even remotely close to believing her.

This is so frustrating. Do you just paint the picture you want the world to see or what? I suppose this would be the response from the Left when the fact finding mission evolves into a bullshit story about debt.

The standard of sex prevents me from getting any. I really dislike when politicians set the standard. I dislike it more when they try to rally for adherence to it.

I watched her testimony today.

Her voice quivered as though she was about to cry through the entire opening statements of her ordeal but she never shed even one tear. This is a red flag.

She played pretty alotlot.

She was traumatized to the point she could not fly to Washington for fear of being raped but she took vacations by air.

She told Feinstein. WTH!

Democrats made that hearing a circus.

Let’s all have another drink.

I don’t have Apple Pay, sorry.

Five women have now accused him of the same thing and you believe him. Unsurprising given your support of Trump after over a dozen women accused him of the same thing.

I almost hope he gets confirmed just so I can watch the massacre of Republicans in November if he is.

What a lot of nonsense. Everyone reacts differently to different situations.

I’m back in Vancouver, btw. Will try to catch up with news tomorrow.

I have Pay Pal but I’m not using it.

5? That a long stretch from the 2 with very weak cases.

Funny thing about Trump and his accusers. I don’t see them anywhere.

yeah so you interrupted my point about tears

I’m used to it, Prick. Sorrry for the errors.

Judge Kavanaugh was emotionally distraught.

Only a man who turns a blind eye to the truth for the sake of a political gain would ignore his humiliation.