
Does she know about bbad?

u sure are nosy

What is reload?


reload my drink toke and cig


ok then. about ten


Must there be 3 letters when “Ok” only had 2? haha

sorry had to reboot. now more about you. spill.

Yeah I don’t know how I knew you were going to come back and do that.

do what?

More about me. We were talking about your wife

We were talking about your wife before you went out and you come back in changing the subject and I felt like you were going to

How prescient of you. Do you have a criminal record?

Lol no? But I do have a record 2-0 win against carpenters


I just won the last battle in January. 10,000. I’ll never see a dime if it but I proved who he was.

Fair enough. I was married to my second wife for 12 years. The divorce took 14.

A 14 year divorce?