
trump never misses a chance to lie. He’s known for it.

Since you brought it up, why didn’t you?

The captain of the ship takes both credit and blame for what the ship does. Elon Musk gets credit for Tesla and SpaceX even though he’s never designed or built a car or a spaceship with his own hands.

Have you always practiced this philosophy? Because I don’t recall you ever holding Obama accountable for even one wrong. I suppose he is perfect in every way. :roll_eyes:

Then you weren’t paying attention. I condemned him for his practice of using predator drones in Pakistan, his failure to close Guantanamo and his personal smoking (among many other things). He’s far from perfect but he was so much better than Trump that it’s embarrassing to watch the Presidency now.

Ir IS embarrassing.

I’ll believe it when I read the posts. I don’t ever recall you saying anything about his smoking, which I thought he stopped doing before he even ok office. What’s really embarrassing is that we had to put a mentally adolescent grown up in office to expose corruption spying and illegal leaking by the Obama administration.

Given that this “new” BBAD only goes back to 2018, long after Trump was elected, you’re out of luck if you don’t remember them.

omg brilliant. lol.

I almost thought she was somebody I knew.


Perhaps the worst president, domestically of all time. At least he hasn’t killed a bunch of foreigners. Pretty awful, domestically. No wonder Andrew Jackson is his favorite president.

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I have no doubt Trump will find a state. I’m happy he has to go searching though.

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Looks like lyndsey Graham is behind now. I wonder if Trump’s awful last 10 days hurt him.

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Looks like trump’s approval rating dropped 6% in a month.