
The GOP has warned Democrats against impeachment.
President Trump is going nowhere except war, if forced.

We knew when we elected him that he was guilty of adultery. We didn’t elect him for the purpose of schooling us in adultery. The United States, as a whole, is guilty of adultery. I’m thankful this is coming out early. Like censorship, it’s not that hard to digest.

This would probably be a good time to take a deep breath. lol sorry. Have a blessed day! In Jesus Name!

Forced to go to war? Are you saying the idiot would start a war if he faced impeachment? That would be ok with you?

The crime is not adultery. Nobody is suggesting he be impeached for that. The accusations are:

  1. Campaign finance violations.
  2. Conspiracy to do so.
  3. Knowingly submitting fraudulent documents pertaining thereto.
  4. Fraudulently using a fake charity to aid and abet his campaign.
  5. Fraudulent mismanagement of and theft from a registered charity.
  6. Conspiracy to attain illegal campaign funds from a foreign power.

After his presidency, he faces:

  1. Sexual assault charges and lawsuits.
  2. Thousands of other lawsuits.
  3. Several other criminal charges which he can’t currently be indicted for.

I hope he lives a long time. :slight_smile:

Yeah, that looks bad doesn’t it!

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WTH is that, Wil?

I had posted a video of the Nixon resignation speech but got a warning that it might be contaminated. Tried to erase it and couldn’t so I did that.

These are not fake. These are actual Time magazine covers, the most recent being the one on the right.

Have you thought about what a future America looks like now?

Yes, and the picture is bright. Trump is entirely deluded about what he’s accomplished in a year and a half. The economy was booming under Obama regardless of what Trumpets say. The world was at peace. The US was moving forward positively on climate and social change. Your debt was declining as a percentage of GDP.

Under the orange idiot, the economy continues to boom, the world is far closer to war, the US is moving backwards on almost all social issues and on climate, and your debt is ballooning to the point where most expect US bankruptcy in the coming years.

I believe the US can turn this around in theory but the divide your nation faces between right and left will be difficult to overcome. That is your biggest challenge. About half your country believes ardently in a religion of right wing voodoo economics that has never worked, never will work, and can’t work. Most of them believe in this religion more strongly than they believe in their God.

I don’t agree with any of that.
I’m a U.S. citizen.
I know what my challenges and issues are.

DeVos wants to use federal money to arm public schools. She’s been quiet lately with all the awful things happening associated with trump. I’m not sure how this would happen since I’m guessing her supporters are against paying taxes.

I’m thinking there will be more online public education in the future. Im not for that but maybe 1 or 2 days a week would be okay. I think it is bad for a lot of reasons. Number 1 is poor kids. They probably don’t have any access to internet at home. I hated my online class and I was 34 when I took it.

She is without question the most laughably incompetent and possibly insane person in the Trump administration, and that is honestly saying a lot.

omg the unraveling continues!

Trump’s enemies:

(((Pecker))), (((Cohen))) and (((Weisselberg)))

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This shows the problem with you koolaid drinkers. These three men were Trump’s closest friends for decades. The first bought off women to kill negative stories about Trump and told his magazines to only run positive stories about Trump. The second was his most trusted fixer who was his closest friend for decades. The third was his most trusted employee who ran his charitable foundation and served the Trump family from before Donald Trump even led it.

These aren’t Trump’s enemies, they’re the only friends he had, and now he’s alone, friendless and desperate.

EDITED TO ADD: Don’t think the parentheses were lost on me. Your implication that Jews are trying to bring down Trump is nonsense. Almost all of Trump’s inner circle are now Jews, including his daughter and son-in-law, and he remains the most Israel friendly president of all time.

The problem is: that koolaid tastes soooooo damn goooood!

Thanks for the brief info on them.
Ok, so he lost his 3 best (((friends))). And You are really suggesting that we should turn on a person who made great sacrifices for the good of the American nation while financing his campaign on his own (in contrast to his opponents), who is now alone, friendless and desperate?

How dare you. Our president loves us and he has feelings and needs, too! We should now help him replacing those (((friends))) with new friends and stand by his side whenever he needs us!

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Do you think Trump is more dumb or mean? I think Reg thinks he is more stupid than I do, judging by the fact that Reg believes him when he says global warming is a hoax. I think he is purposely mean. He is probably both.

I think he goes out of his way to purposely make people’s lives more difficult. And always seemingly has. At least ever since he has been famous. Started very young when he refused to rent to blacks in NYC. On an on to his crooked business style and purposely not paying his shares.

I don’t understand how the parenthesis refer to jews.

He didn’t finance his campaign on his own at all. Google Sheldon Adelson, a Jew by the way, who financed and now owns Trump totally. This is why Trump moved the embassy to Jerusalem, because Adelson told him to.

You are right. I think he’s an imbecile. I also think he has no principled mental connection to the truth, meaning the truth to him is whatever benefits him at the moment. If it benefits him that Paul Manafort is a brilliant tactician who is going to turn the Trump campaign around, then that is truth at that moment. If it later benefits him that Paul Manafort is a horrible person who never had any real role in the Trump campaign, then that is truth at that moment. Truth is whatever suits him at the moment.

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