
But they are shooters, therefore, they are RWNJ’s. Their faults must have just accidentally slipped by you.

I agree that Obama did nothing but Trump is doing something. I could write an entire book on it and you would label it fables.

I agree. Someone suggested regulating ammunition and removing weapons of war would help slow it down, although I think if someone really wants to kill a lot of people, they can just wait until he next parade and mow them down with a vehicle.

You’re spewing your lie-filled hatred again, Reg.

A bandaid won’t stick if you pour vinegar over the wound before you attempt to cover it.

I don’t watch a lot of TV but I will watch this. I’m happy she is finally able to face the world after all they put her through. Lord knows she needs closure after enduring a destroyed reputation and years of mockery.

The Left becomes more disgusting by the day. How can any of you not only tolerate but also support their vulgarity by aligning yourselves with them.

Do you believe Donald Trump paid Russian prostitutes for pee sex, Michele?

You know I don’t believe that but I know you are gullible enough to believe it. At best, I believe the liberal that was paid to write the dossier was speaking from experience.

I did not know he had a black girlfriend in the 90’s.

I didn’t either, and I doubt it was a traditional monogamous relationship given his record. Still, don’t let this cause you to think he’s less racist. From your link: She’s “horrified” by his comments on the violence in Charlottesville, in which Trump asserted a moral equivalence between White supremacists and anti-racism counterprotesters.

Oh, Reg, really!! Are you referring to those fine people who were in a dispute over the removal of that Robert E. Lee statue?

You didn’t provide a source as I am required to do but I can read you. I wonder if your support team will scold you for such carelessness.

You didn’t even bother to look at the article I posted.

Yes, thank you for that source.

Accuracy In Media is an American non-profit conservative news media watchdog founded in 1969 by economist Reed Irvine. AIM supported the Vietnam War and blamed media bias for U.S. loss in the war. During the Reagan administration, AIM criticized reporting about the El Mozote massacre in El Salvador. Wikipedia

True. You rarely look at the articles you post so why should I? :smiley:

Will I know where you are going with this and the only thing I can tell you is that somewhere down the line “they” whoever they are switched gears and took your party. Because what was one the working man’s party had because something unrecognizable and you know it.

The right wing has become something different. No longer fiscally conservative, divisive, with a repulsive leader they are afraid to oppose.

Those are hardly evil qualities but I accept them.
Let’s review how your party has changed from the working man’s party to the party of entitlements for all, including those UNWILLING to work.

Oh goody.

Oh goody goody.

Excellent! Good luck!

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