
Reg, change to 24.478 Mhz and execute Alpha 17/threshold 2 then shut down.

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Copy. Executing now.



Trump can’t block critics on Twitter under the First Amendment, according to a ruling yesterday from a federal appeals court in New York.

Unless it is official business and posted as such, I just think this is wrong. As a private citizen, he has rights too.
Don’t bother, I know your view. “He is the President with certain obligations and responsibilities.” Blah blah blah lol

No. He is a fool who uses twitter for official business and thus can’t block differing opinions. He chose this idiotic approach to governing. He is not a king who governs by fiat as much as you would like him to be.

No you are a fool for believing only one man on the face of the earth has no rights.

As much as I know you would like to jump to conclusion, if you had absorbed my words you would have understood clearly that I did not object to his exposure of official business posts. But thanks for offering your repetitive and often misguided opinion of our President.

And I disagree, I believe he has royal blood running through his veins.


He has Big Mac cholesterol running through his veins.

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Or as he calls them, “hamberders”. Lol.

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And when he gets ready for his coke, he can call you for ice.

He can try.

No doubt! That Florida heat will melt you before he can wobble over to your house.

LOL! Wobble is exactly the right word for his fat ass.

And deliquesce is a more appropriate word for you cold ass.

I see you bought a Thesaurus. Good for you!

And I see you…

I see you too.

Try to keep up Michele.

BS. Your eyes are getting dim and you are hard of hearing. Any last words?

Keep up with you? Do you want to run a foot race?