I don’t want their crap endowments. Or their egos. I can’t even enjoy a bean burrito without some stupid gripe.
Just look at the increase and normalization of child pornography and solicitation busts. Like it’s their compensation or reward due.
No genetic cohesiveness for that biomass. It’s going slop bad. They have to lump it together and then play the politics to deny it.
I suppose their ancestors are “american” and not European to them. What resource do they provide and what resource do they use?
This is a block to me for receiving any female affection. And I don’t use coercion or threat of violence.
Come on we deploy troops all over the world.
Stop the bellyaching complaining
Lousy genetic breakdown of biomass also adds to their homosexuality towards other inmates. You see those guys sitting together in El Salvador? You don’t see that with Aryan groups. All you see is wild lustful eyes and jealousy. Root word lousy. They can’t do celibate time without homosexuality. Then they can’t even do non lousy sex or go without spilling it over.
They are famous for playing one race against another and even try to hush other whites to cover their shame.
Send them to El Salvador, and start a new lower caste.
If you are in prison and all you want to do is prevent others from changing and rehabbing but want to extend their time for your own selfish purposes or “go the next step” as a lifer,
then please volunteer for El Salvador if that is the “only option” you keep forcing.
Or simply shut up in the face of truth.
Can you imagine some white calling you a beaner and then accusing you of homosexual lust towards them for eating a bean burrito? I don’t have to, I have experienced it.
Even if they have an arrangement with the cartel for moving drugs , the cartels use lower level gang members and many incarcerated don’t see those profits or even get a thank you card or some small kickback. Instead they start life or death conflicts others find themselves in like n/s rivalries.
AB does the easiest time, makes time the hardest for others, and just can’t contain that politic and rhetoric in an institution. We have all heard the no forgiveness slogan. They should adopt one or just pack them up to El Salvador.
Just too disrespectful. Not saying this is as racist group, but maybe throw in other racist groups.
Just as easy as the spew out racist insults and shame others to hide their weakness and inferiority.
I know how easily their flesh breaks down. I know how weak their minds are and their blindness.
Notice how quiet the inmates are and how still in overcrowding? There still seems to be an infinite space and loneliness. Yet they don’t fill it up with blathering loudness. Also do you see a excrement problem? I don’t. Thats not the case elsewhere and with other groups. All those boxers looked clean. Try getting some of these supremacist groups to shower or at least not get crusty with excrement…they are not just a penal cancer they are a penile cancer.
Cut them out.
And that is how they are marked. Self defecation. Including the women that preach their “better than thou” rhetoric. It’s easy to identify them for me.
Shouldn’t urinate towards someone whose urine you cannot physically tolerate.