Trump, don't waste your time

And to think they could have used all that money to build the wall.

Speaking of wall. I saw the fence in Arizona. :flushed:

The funds are going to the drug of choice needed to make america great again every day each and every day by using funds to buy the drug of choice needed to make it great again.

Classic illustration of trumps bullshit versus reality.

See Reggie! Ellen is probably more of a peer to you here than anyone else. You make identical comments about Trump as her producer does. I think it is excatly because of your age.

He made some offensive and mocking tweets about the presidents wife. He also says things identical about the president as you do. Is that why you say it?

Lassner also [recently referred to the president]( as an “orange, portly windbag” and mocks Trump and members of his administration on a regular basis, often with profane language.

If questioned about it or asked to speak by the president what would you say? It seems you have another personal problem or issue you don’t feel people are giving enough attention to. That you don’t feel good about yourself sitting alone or just anywhere.
What do you want a birthday party?

You don’t make any sense to sometimes you seem so full of fear and insecure. But then you never existed as me.

And what is the drug of choice?

This isn’t true, Mark. Ellen’s producer is afraid of another Melania entering the US. I, on the other hand, think the US should admit as many Slovenian prostitutes as they want. There is no harm there.

My mail ballot went in today.

Good on you Mark for voting.

Fat orange idiot is an iteration. The term is also mathematical. You seem to keep getting reset. Is this a loop you do to see the sun and processes the next day?

BTW, I call this painting, “Mushroom”.

Interesting picture Reggie. But many types of meats can come from the same body. A nonthreatening vienna sausage might be considered kind and thoughtful vs. the option of the asphyxiating death a tube of liverwurst or braunschweiger promises.

That is a great court defense that looks oddly very familiar to me.

I finally searched vienna suasage.

Sorry, our president is a “big’ands” president.

I really do hope Marco Rubio can get US prisons outsourced to El Salvador. Just look at this model of efficiency with thousands of nothing but MS13. So packed, so quiet, its hard time for those guys but they are doing it. Togetherness. You know some groups had a difficult time in prisons due to small numbers and it was also very hard for others to fit in. Even today an “others” car or Asian not falling in with others.
Most of these conditions are set by the AB. Sometimes immigrants come in numbers and get arrested to support those of their “kind” in few numbers.
Be nice to see how AB would fit in that efficient system outnumbered 1000 to 1. I’m sure some of the crap I keep getting would stop. All their bellyaching and telling everyone how much better they are and how others need to accept that. I’m sure they will shut up and lots of their outside support racists. If they can’t fit in and be efficient, they will be getting showed up as trash needing to be compacted. I doubt anyone will be worshipping the “white man” or asked to.
Personally I’m not looking for any misfortune for this group, Just stop trying to dictate my future and worth to me or even “looking into it” which does not exist .

Really I don’t want to be told this bs again. Also hang your impotence up somewhere else.

There’s the place to rep your supremacy. Push your luck and face your own consequences,

Spare me the rhetoric. You’re not better than anyone, nor is any man of yours you want people to worship.