Tell that to an AIDS victim.


That must have been a traumatic experience for you. It’s one thing to be dirty. You can wash it off but to feel terribly dirty…
You must feel diseased every day.
Try not to think about. Besides, I don’t think AIDS is such a big deal nowadays.

Well I don’t have it.

Are you sure? Check your feelings again. Surely, it’s still there.


knock knock
who’s there?
911 who?
you said you would never forget!

so they had two things they knew for sure that day-
1)they don’t like bush
2)they don’t like airplanes crashing into buildings
therefore bush is responsible
those kids buried out back behind your schools, they are the lucky ones.

Now that we can agree, Bush is responsible, I do have questions.
First, the obvious question on anyone’s mind is why did he need to destroy the World Trade Towers to invade a helpless country?
Also, why did the media report that Bush continued reading Pet Goat for two more minutes when new claims are being made that it was, in fact, seven. What was their role and how did they benefit from lying for him?
One last question, for now. Why was it necessary to remove Saddam Hussain from power if there were no weapons of mass destruction?

bush was just another one of your senile puppet presidents, i dont think he can be held responsible for anything beyond tying his shoelaces

in order to justify an attack on someone else you first have to create an excuse
revenge/retaliation is considered the best excuse by many

as i remember from that michael moore fahrenheit movie it was always 7 minutes? (yup see https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0rO3F6mZUaE )
why? to hide that bush is a slowreader? isnt protecting the president every americans duty?

in the 80s the uk and usa trained, funded and supplied saddam and his men with satelite intelligence, money and weapons to fight iran, then the lapdog got greedy and decided he wanted to be his own dog and didnt need a master

Weapons of mass destruction was the excuse. I’ll assume you don’t know.

No. It’s the presidents duty to protect every American.

So the US and UK supplied Iraq with weapons of mass destruction so we could go in and destroy Hussain for having weapons of mass destruction.

I don’t understand what you mean here.


how could 1 old guy ever protect that many people?

i will translate: a lapdog is called a kuttelikkertje in dutch

He can’t if he’s busy plotting his next move to genocide them.

How embarrassing :roll_eyes: not to mention highly unlikely.

One more question….

If the US and UK were supporting Iraq, why was Israel supporting Iran? I thought Iran was Israel’s enemy.

the tendency to interpret new evidence as confirmation of one’s existing beliefs or theories.

Probably the result of media conditioning.

do you really expect anything else from a country where a common name is “dick”?

another interesting one is what you call “french toast”, the french call that “pain perdu” (lost bread)

here its called “wentelteefjes” which literally translates as “turnaroundbitches” :wink:

No or else we would be disappointed.

That’s bread with egg on it, right? I’m surprised you eat so unhealthy.

Here we call it smutty Dutch slang for fat-ass.

lol sometimes one has to sacrifice themselves to save the environment and eat this kind of old bread :wink:

lol are you currently on a diet and having a difficult time?

Ahh, I see. Great are you among ihop’ers.

I don’t diet. I am on an avocado fast although I wouldn’t call it difficult. It’s not a sacrifice but it is pleasing to me.

lol i was wondering if that was some kind of new hip term i didnt know about
luckily my uncle google explained… i wonder why we dont have those here

ah nice!
then again perhaps a nice wentelteefje once a month may even increase that pleasure :wink:

I suspect your forefathers made a conscious decision to forego food in favor of window sex.