I know you’re going to think I’m just being difficult to please but…you just took the POM from plain and green to ashes but keep trying. You’re doing a great job. :wink:

That is true. You’re the lucky one. By the time you get to Oklahoma, there isn’t any air.

Downer! Canadian ground must be in need of cleansing or it wouldn’t be burning. Think about how green everything will be when it starts growing again.

Perhaps God is punishing us for homosexuality.

Is that the punishment for homosexuality?

I don’t know. I was poking a bit of fun at the Fred Phelps crowd.

That’s a first.


Repetitive! I was convinced the first time.

I don’t really know what this photo is all about, but I thought it looked nice so here it is.

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Ahh, that’s so sweet. Congratulations, Reg!

That’s not my kid, thank God.

Too bad. Cute baby. He looks like you.

lol@you two… you think reg wears rings on his toes?

No, don’t be silly. I don’t even think Reg wears a wedding ring. Many men don’t. Mine never has. No, actually, I thought that was probably exactly what his feet looked like at birth.

you dont? i bet he does and that most married men do as well (or at least near their wives lol)

I don’t wear it and neither does she. We’re both too afraid of losing/damaging them. lol. I wear it on special occasions.

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lol i lost that bet

Really? That makes me a winner. Yay! Who did you lose the bet to?

interesting to ask a question when you type the answer right in front of it…

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