japanese citizens sheltering under a cloud
photo credit: United States Air Force

harry truman was a captain in the army in 1918
his first mission in the artillery was a chemical attack on the german troops in france
of course, he then went on to marry bess in missouri
pronounced “mis-ur-ah”
also, he was in potsdam in 1945
pronounced “potsdam” with no hyphens

reggie has a poll from that year

Ahhh, no more lush greenery? It’s okay. Considering what’s coming out about Ukraine, it’s probably a good time to acknowledge the reality of it all. If not the whole truth, at least the part that sparks pity for the citizens ignorant of their government back door deals with US.

That doesn’t look like a very stable place to shelter.

True, but it’s likely they didn’t have a lot of choices.

They did have choices though. They had a choice to join the exodus as many wiser citizens have done.

I Watched Russian TV So You Don’t Have To

According to Russian state TV, Putin is the good guy. Many Russians believe it.

By Olga Khazan

Michele, not everyone can just pull up their roots and run. Most couldn’t. If you faced what they’re facing, I’d bet you wouldn’t.

Here’s one who did. Amazing story.


A few of them are still sweating Covid as their city is bombed.

Michele chose this POM ages ago and I never posted it. I’m tired of war POMs so I think today is a good day to use it.


That sun in the background looks a little like a nuclear bomb. I suppose it is one in a way.

what way is that?
who built it?
you mistake a reaction: fusion
for a bomb: weapon
of course, you always were a fool

The Department of Reggie announced today it would launch a ball of gas against the enemy

We all see what we want. I see the sun rising on a beautiful new morning.

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I see that too. I just also see a nuclear explosion on the horizon.

close the sky over the internet

A mindless spring/primavera photo. I like it. I am tired of serious photos.


I agree.

I have cats on my mind.

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kitties! :wink:

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