What would I say to what? Is this some sort of offer?

Sorry. Misunderstanding. I guess I would say I enjoy the unique relationship we have.

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I like you too.

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If you guys find a photo thatā€™s at least 1920 x 1080, Iā€™ll use it. That way you donā€™t have to wait for me.

I can wait.

Me too.



Stunning and I didnā€™t have to give up the Sun since itā€™s always present.:wink:
Where is this beautiful view?

I donā€™t know, unfortunately. The photographer, Sam Shiue, added it to the Flickr Creative Commons so we can use it legally, but he didnā€™t include any information at all about it. Given his name, Iā€™d guess somewhere in Asia but I really have no idea.

Itā€™s lovely, Reg. Thank you!

Itā€™s Monday, Reg. I respectfully request the POM be changed.

I especially like this POM and would like it to stay up for awhile.

Okay! But only until you breathe your last and then we are changing it.

:arrow_up: Been compromising for 31 years.

I like Willā€™s idea as it requires me to do nothing which I am particularly good at.

In a week, letā€™s get some feedback about POM ideas.

No need. We can wait until Will expires.

The POM is gorgeous. You nailed it, Reg! Well done!


Nice POM, Reg. A new day with calm seas. Very pretty.

I donā€™t like it.

Looks like Hell. Literally.