God, depressing lot you both are.

You think it’s not depressing looking at that virus?

True. It’s interesting how drastically this virus has affected every aspect of our lives. I thought about putting up a nice vacation shot. Then I remembered air travel around the world has stopped. I thought, maybe a cityscape. Then I remembered all cities are under lockdown. Then I thought, maybe a sporting event. No sporting events. I can’t even put up a photo of a hot girl because we’re supposed to social distance from them. Everything we normally find beautiful is unavailable to us.

Maybe the milky way or some outer space pics.

I found a girl practicing social distancing doing yoga.


We could call it ruler of this world and get Will to bow down, pay homage and beg forgiveness.

Oh you think so?

This chick doing yoga is how you envision the ruler of the world?

No I was talking about the virus

This⬆️ is my idea of ruler of this world.

Nice POM, Reg.

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The virus is clearly ruling the world right now. We all obey its every whim.

Pausing to think, that’s disturbing. But you know what, yippee, Jesus has overcome the world. We really have nothing to worry about.

If I have my way about it, we are all going to bond on a deeper, more meaningful level. As soon as I exercise that demon out of you and Will.

here we go

lol I would love to go. Somewhere warm.

should be spelled exorcise.

Oh you’re right. That’s twice you’ve had to correct that word.

Well that was like a ride to the gas station.

Where you can get a little hand sanstizer at the right station.